
Master thesis

Combining natural and social sciences to understand and manage global anthropogenic toxicants. AnthroTox brings together social anthropologists, Africanists and social students of science, and environmental toxicologists, in order to understand how environmental and social processes and their relationships dictate flows and impacts of anthropogenic toxicants across societies and ecosystems, to explore the social, political-economic and historical context of global toxicants, and to contribute to public debate, political process and remedial action.

In its initial phase, AnthroTox focuses on organic pollutants and attendant social processes related to electronic waste in Tanzania (Dar-es-salaam and Zanzibar), East Africa. This work will serve to build a sustainable interdisciplinary foundation for future collaborations on global anthropogenic toxicants, between anthropologists and other humanities, and the social and natural sciences.

The master assignment will focus on establishing the levels of organic pollutants in soils at the research sites. The study will be in cooperation with a PhD student.

For more information visit the AnthroTox homepage

Published Apr. 15, 2020 3:52 PM - Last modified Apr. 22, 2020 1:48 PM