PhD Thesis at Section of Environmental analysis

Here is a overview of previous PhD thesis completed at the Group of Environmental Chemistry:

Gundersen, Cathrine Brecke, 2018

Environmental fate of nitramines formed during amine-based post-combustion
CO2 capture


Mohr, Christian Wilhelm, 2017

The Role of Natural Organic Matter and Phosphorus in a Changing Environment


Zhou, Bin, 2016

Assessments through field studies, experiments and modelling of potential risk for phosphorus loss from an agricultural watershed


Braaten, Hans Fredrik, 2015

Mercury in boreal freshwater fish – factors and processes governing increasing concentrations

Zhang, Daisheng , 2013

Health Impact and Control Policy of Air Pollution in Shanxi, China


Monjerezi, Maurice , 2012

Groundwater salinity in lower Shire River valley (Malawi) - Hydro-geochemical constraints on sources and evolution.


Lin, Yan, 2011

Indentification of mercury fractions in water, soil and sediment from typical alkaline mercury mining area and modelling their transport under different flow regimes


Xie, Ruikai, 2007

Characteristics of Airborne Particles in Urban Areas


Gadmar, Tone Charlotte, 2005

Analytical challenges in the research of structure and functionality of humic substances from surface water


Breivik, Knut, 2001

On the sources and fate of Hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) at regional and global scale.


Larssen, Thorjørn, 1999

Acid Deposition and Acidification of Soil and Soil Water in China - Experiments, Field Studies and Modeling. 196 s.


Superviced at other departments:

Koji, Tominaga, 2013

Lake modelling: an interdiciplinary context


Bakari, Said Suleiman, 2012

Groundwater Chemistry and Hydrological processes in a Coastal watershed, South-East Tanzania


Published Feb. 22, 2016 12:13 PM - Last modified Mar. 31, 2020 3:03 PM