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Inorganic materials chemistry

The section work with functional materials such as electroceramics, proton conductors, hybrid materials, materials for hydrogen storage, materials for catalysis and nanomaterials. A fundamental understanding of such a broad mxiture for materials demands the use of advanced experimental and theoretical methods.

About the section

The section focuses partly on synthesis and structure determination, partly on in-situ studies of reactions, partly on studies of electric, magnetic and thermodynamic properties and partly on development and use of theoretical methods.

Parts of the sections research effort is organised under the Centre for Materials Research and Nanotechnology.

Academic programmes and courses

The section has been central in the development of the acedemic programme Materials and Energy for the Future.


The section has advanced equipment for diffraction (in-house XRD, synchrotron radiation through ESRF, neutron diffraction through IFE), microscopy (FEG-SEM, AFM, SIMS through SMN), magnetic measurements (SQUID, PPMS), spectroscopy (IR, Raman og XPS) and thermal analysis (TG, DSC).

Want to know more about the Inorganic materials chemistry (NAFUMA)?  Go here

Published Oct. 26, 2012 1:53 PM - Last modified July 9, 2024 10:04 AM


Professor Helmer Fjellvåg, section leader


Visiting address:
Sem Sælandsvei 26,
N-0371 Oslo

Postal address:
Department of Chemistry
University of Oslo
Postbox 1033, Blindern
N - 0315 Oslo


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