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NAnostructures and FUnctional MAterials (NAFUMA)

The research group NAnostructures and FUnctional MAterials (NAFUMA) conducts research in inorganic chemistry, solid state chemistry and materials/nano science.

Image may contain: Product, Triangle, Font, Slope, Line.

NAFUMA focuses on inorganic functional materials and nanostructures. The main objective is to understand their physical properties on the basis of crystal structure and chemical bonding (electronic structure) and on this background be able to synthesize novel materials with specific properties by design. This implies close integration of experimental and theoretical modeling activities. Our research is both aimed at fundamental knowledge about inorganic chemistry and applications for a more sustainable future. Read more about our current projects.

Broad activities

NAFUMA has broad activities, streching from synthesis and structure determination to property studies, theory and modelling. Click on Research activities to read further.

Advanced synthesis, characterization and modeling tools

NAFUMA holds a battery of advanced synthesis, characterization and modeling tools; Click on Laboratories to know more.

Masters degree

See information in the menu about the tasks. Below is also some information about our group;

Information to coming master students.

A trip down memory lane

If you want to see what Nafuma was doing 30 years ago, have a look at the "Report 1989 - Section for inorganic chemistry"

Upcoming events

No upcoming events




NAFUMA on social media

Published Mar. 2, 2011 12:12 PM - Last modified July 9, 2024 10:20 AM


Research Section Leader:
Helmer Fjellvåg


Visiting address:
Sem Sælandsvei 26,
N-0371 Oslo

Postal address:
Department of Chemistry
University of Oslo
Postbox 1033, Blindern
N - 0315 Oslo


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