The Battery Laboratory

There are many laboratories at NAFUMA dedicated to synthesizing and characterizing batteries and battery materials. 

The BatSynth

The BatSynth lab is a laboratory for synthesizing battery materials. The laboratory contains a glovebox, ball-mill, Schlenk line, centrifuge, Teflon liners, acid and base baths. For more information see the BatSynth page

The BatMix

The BatMix laboratory is a laboratory for synthesizing lithium batteries. For more information see the BatMix page.

The BatLab

The BatLab is a laboratory for synthesizing sodium batteries. For more information ...

The BatCave

The BatCave is a battery laboratory. For more information see ...

The BatCloset

The BatCloset is a characterization laboratory for cycling batteries. For more information ...

The BatCorner

In the BatCorner there is another battery cycling system. For more information...