RECX - Norwegian REsource Centre X-rays

From basic identification of solids to detailed studies of variations in chemical structure during reactions X-ray diffraction and scattering give us access to a huge range of information on materials.

In its simplest form X-ray diffraction is used on a massive scale to identify and categorize solid crystalline materials produced in (among other things) research labs, industrial reactors and volcanos.

Discover more about the comprehensive capabilities of the RECX facility by visiting our dedicated website at Explore how we offer a one-stop solution for X-ray diffraction characterization of valuable materials, including single crystals and powders. Learn about our versatile temperature ranges for both single crystal and powder analyses, as well as our ability to accommodate various sample types, such as thin films, pellets, foils, and air-sensitive samples. Additionally, delve into our expertise in controlled environmental conditions, including options for air, vacuum, argon, and different water conditions during powder analysis, and our capability for in situ characterization in reactive gas environments. Explore how we specialize in the characterization of battery materials, offering operando analysis to meet your specific needs.
In addition to our X-ray diffraction characterization capabilities, we utilize diffraction techniques to determine the structures of new molecules and materials. This includes studying structural modifications resulting from chemical alterations and measuring the thickness and composition of nanometer-thick films, particularly in microelectronic devices. Moreover, we employ X-ray scattering to access the nanoscale, enabling real-time observation of polymer micelles and proteins' organization and studying the nucleation of nanoparticles and crystals.


The X-ray diffraction laboratory of the chemistry department is part of the Norwegian National Resource Centre for X-ray Diffraction and Scattering (RECX).

RECX is a collaborative effort between two leading X-ray research groups in Norway, aiming to establish a national platform for advanced X-ray research. The infrastructure includes cutting-edge instruments for X-ray diffraction, scattering, and imaging, facilitating research in various fields such as chemistry, physics, materials science, nanotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and medicine. It will enhance national expertise, with a clear division and specialization between nodes at UiO and NTNU. The project also has international aspects, including funding for equipment at the Swiss-Norwegian beamline and collaboration with synchrotron facilities abroad. RECX will serve as a scientific hub accessible to universities, research institutes, industry, and the public sector, providing training and services for users. The objectives include establishing a fully operational national resource center, maintaining scientific excellence, fostering collaboration, and attracting a diverse user base.


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Further details information can be found here