Seventh Nafuma Seminar, Autumn 2017

The seventh group seminar and last of the Autumn edition will be presented by David Wragg, senior engineer and researcher at NAFUMA Group.

David's research developes within the Norwegian Centre for X-ray Diffraction, Scattering and Imaging (RECX), the spearhead of X-ray based science in Norway!

His main fields of study are:

  • Powder and single crystal X-ray diffraction
  • In situ and in operando studies of chemical reactions, especially catalysts under real working conditions
  • Synchrotron science, mostly linked to the Swiss-Norwegian BeamLines (SNBL) at ESRF, Grenoble, France

During this seminar David will offer a general presentation about treating multiple datasets with Rietveld refinement in a talk entitled

"Big Data in XRD: sequential, surface and parametric refinement"


See you all on Friday for the last meeting of 2017!


NAFUMA group
Published Dec. 6, 2017 1:58 PM - Last modified Apr. 5, 2023 11:09 AM