Anders Brennhagen defended his PhD

Doctoral candidate Anders Brennhagen at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, defended his thesis "Bi metallates as conversion-alloying anodes for Na-ion batteries" for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor April 5th.

Trial lecture

April 5th, 10:15 AM, Auditorium 2, Chemistry building

Trial lecture title:

"Lithium vs. Sodium Batteries: Status, Challenges and Applications". 

Kreeringssammendrag/Conferral summary 

Natriumionebatterier kan være et billigere og mer bærekraftig alternativ til dagen litiumionebatterier, og kommer til å være en viktig del av fremtiden. Dette arbeidet har ikke skapt noen revolusjonerende gode batterimaterialer, men har utviklet metoder og kunnskap som kan fremme batteriutviklingen i årene som kommer.

Main research findings

Rechargeable batteries are essential for the green energy transition and Li-ion batteries (LIBs) are currently dominating the marked. Li and other elements used in LIBs are limited resources on the planet, which makes them relatively expensive. Na-ion batteries (NIBs) work similarly to LIBs, but with slightly lower capacities due to the higher mass of Na compared to Li. However, the much higher and widespread abundance of Na could make NIBs cheaper and more sustainable that LIBs, perfect for large scale stationary energy storage.

One of the major challenges with NIBs is to find a good anode material. In this work, we have not been able to do that. However, we have shown how a group of anode materials works during charge and discharge to a much greater detail than before, and understood why they do not perform so well. We used these results to improve the performance of the materials, but not enough to be of commercial interest. Nevertheless, the methods, ideas and knowledge developed in this thesis can be used for other materials and lead to a great improvements of NIBs in the future.



Candidate contact information



Tel. +47 46947610


Published May 14, 2024 10:01 AM - Last modified May 14, 2024 10:01 AM