The NAFUMA Summer Party 2024

Not only did we have a half-day seminar on the last day before the vacation, we also had a summer party to top it off!

Image may contain: Leisure, Fun, Entertainment, Event, Curtain.

The winners of the summer games!

As the first half of 2024 boils down to a very hectic June with loads of exams, deadlines, paperwork, EVERYTHING, it's nice to gather for a final BBQ as a research group and just enjoy before the vacation
And of course we had games, because games are fun and mandatory.

The games included "Helmer's retirement starterpack", scavengerhunt for oranges (where we found 2 oranges more than we were looking for), and DISKOST! Turns out that seagulls are huge fans of cheese being thrown as disks.

The winners of the entire ordeal was Team 2! But everyone did an amazing job and everyone gets to go on summer vacation regardless!

Published July 5, 2024 2:51 PM - Last modified July 5, 2024 2:51 PM