Raman spectroscopy

The Department of Chemistry, UiO, houses a state-of-the-art Raman spectrometer and is among the most advanced in Europe. 

Booking and prices

Please contact us for booking and prices.


Contact information: 

Facility Manager: Niels Højmark Andersen

Location: Sem Sælands vei 26
0371 OSLO



  • Tunable lasersystem consisting of two parts: Continous wave and pulsed laser. Both of the lasers covers the range from UV to NIR.


The instrument can be used by Universities, Research institutes, Industry and others.

Description of services:

  • Chemical and structural analysis of molecules.
  • Electronic structures via excitation profiles and resonance effects.
  • Symmetry and molecular orientation.
  • XYZ-scanning/mapping on surface samples via microscopy.

About Raman spectroscopy

Raman spectroscopy is a complementary technique to infrared absorption and reflection spectroscopy, that can be used for chemical and structural analysis. In addition may be used to reveal electronic structures via excitation profiles and resonance effects. Here, inclusion of polarization effects provides information about symmetry and molecular orientation.

It is a non-destructive technique that often provides the opportunity to be applied directly on several types of samples without preparation. Our Raman system also enables xyz-mappings and surface scans on samples via confocal microscopy.



Tags: Raman spectroscopy, Structured models, molecular orientation, mapping, microscopy
Published Aug. 27, 2020 10:13 AM - Last modified May 12, 2023 1:07 PM