NMR Liquid State

The Department of Chemistry maintains and operates an advanced state-of-the-art NMR laboratory with a fleet of 8 instruments in the range from 200 MHz to 800 MHz.

Booking and prices

Prices: List

Booking: Email facility manager


Contact information: 

Facility Manager: Frode Rise
Location: Sem Sælands vei 26
0371 OSLO


  • Bruker DPX 200. Walk up unstrument.
  • Bruker DPX 300. Walk up instrument.
  • Bruker AVII 400 is equipped with a BACS-120 automatic sample changer. Users are e-mailed automatically when an experiment is finished. All new data sets are automatically transferred to instrument-ts.uio.no.
  • Bruker AVIII HD 400 is equipped with a BACS-60 automatic sample changer. Users are e-mailed automatically when an experiment is finished. All new data sets are automatically transferred to instrument-ts.uio.no. 
  • The 200, 300, 400 and 400 MHz instruments and many processing PCs with various combinations of the processing softwares: Topspin 1.3, Topspin 2.1 and Topspin 3.2  are used under open access.

Ample access to certified users

  • Bruker AVI 600 is equipped with a TCI cryo probe and a BACS-60 sample changer. Used for metabolomics studies, brain metabolic studies as well as ordinary organic-, medicinal-, and natural substances chemistry NMR applications.
  • Maran Ultra  http://www.mn.uio.no/kjemi/english/research/about/infrastructure/nmr-solid-state/maran-ultra.html 23 MHz (0.5 Tesla) instrument. The spectrometer is used for 1H - T1, T2 and T1rho studies (HR) and also used for diffusion studies.
  • Bruker DRX 500. This instrument is used for all kinds of NMR spectrosopy except solid state applications.
  • Bruker AVII 600 is equipped with a TCI cryo probe and a SampleCase. This instrument is  is dedicated mostly to studies of biomolecules. This instrument is jointly owned by Department of Chemistry UiO (28%) and the Department of Biosciences UiO (28%) and run by cost sharing agreements with School of Pharmacy UiO (22%) and the Norwegian School of Veterinary Sciences (22 %).
  • The time slots on DRX 500, AVI 600 and AVII 600 instruments are distributed daily by submitting wishes to the NMR Center staff by e-mail.
  • Bruker AVIII HD 800 equipped with a TCI cryo probe and a temperature adjustable SampleCase will be installed from week 37 in 2015.  Jointly operated with UiB and NTNU. 

Description of services:


About the NMR facility

Allocation of NMR time and related user fees are subject to interdepartmental agreements as detailed below. Fees will be determined by funding (internal / external), as well as research category (supported / contract).

Users with approved technical competence as determined by the NMR Center Leader may be granted personal access to the instruments. Users depending on technical operator assistance will be subject to additional fees.

The NMR Centre Leader will allocate access time among users and instruments based on a fair and reasonable consideration of available capacity and scientific need.

More information at the NMR web pages.



Published May 3, 2019 4:11 PM - Last modified Jan. 25, 2022 8:17 AM