Access to University of Oslo NMR instruments, archiving of data and economy.

The Department of Chemistry maintains and operates an advanced state-of-the-art NMR laboratory with a fleet of 7 instruments in the range from 200 MHz to 800 MHz.

Allocation of NMR time and related user fees are partially subject to interdepartmental agreements at UiO as detailed below. Fees will be determined by funding (internal / external), as well as research category (supported / contract).
Users from UiO, industrial companies and hospitals with approved technical competence as determined by the NMR Center Leader may be granted personal access to instruments. Users depending on technical operator assistance will be subject to additional fees.
The NMR Center Leader will allocate access time among users and instruments based on a fair and reasonable consideration of available capacity and scientific need.

Data Archiving
It is the responsibility of each individual to maintain an archive of her/his own NMR data. New data is regularly (every 20 min.) copied to  It is unclear if USIT is making a secondary copy of the data on the server.  Your data is very important to you.  A spectrometer hard disk crash or server crash could wipe out all of your data and can happen at any time. It is YOUR JOB to maintain and archive your own data.

Externally funded contribution research projects at University departments.
Academic staff and students affiliated with a university or a research institution participating in an externally financed project (e.g. RCN, EU, NSF and NIH) can be charged a flat yearly fee to avoid an extremely high cost. For short projects an academic price of 200 NOK/hour + VAT is applied. If you book a normal working day you will also be charged for the coming night and billed for 24 hours. The NMR fee should be included and specified in the project budget.

Due to the large span in required data acquisition time from small organic molecules to large biomolecules, fees will vary. The NMR Center Manager will settle the fee level in dialogue with the Project Leader based on estimated acquisition time and extent of use. The following fee levels are indicated for combined access to 200 MHz, 300 MHz, 2 x 400 MHz, 500 MHz and 600 MHz instruments:

Low – Mid MW organic molecules                       PhD student                            NOK 75.000,- /year

Low – Mid MW organic molecules                       Post Doc                                 NOK 100.000,- /year

High MW biomolecules or other extensive use    PhD student/Post Doc           NOK 150.000,- /year

If the user is not from UiO 25 % VAT must be added.

Externally funded contribution research projects (bidragsprisprosjekter), originating at University hospitals (AHUS, OUS, St. Olavs Hospital, Haukeland Hospital etc, mainly NMR-metabolomics projects) performed at 800 MHz with cryo probe or at a 600 MHz instrument with cryo probe - if available are paying:
Hourly instrument rate in non collaborative projects on regular working days between 08.00 and 17.00: 500 NOK + 25 %VAT. 

Hourly instrument rate in collaborative projects (common publications) on regular working days between 08.00 and 17.00: 500 NOK without VAT.

Hourly instrument rate in non collaborative projects during weekends from 17.00 Friday to 09.00 Monday: 250 NOK + 25 % VAT. This applies to National Holidays as well. 

Hourly instrument rate in collaborative projects (common publications) in weekends from 17.00 Friday to 09.00 Monday: 250 NOK without VAT. This applies to National Holidays as well. 

If no other nmr-science can be run at night-time by other users - between several days booked by you, you will regretfully be charged for the night time between successive days. Research groups are encouraged to have enough personnel available for the instrument(s) to be be used without interruption during night-time and weekends. 

Scientific/technical assistance in non collaborative projects 1000 NOK + 25 % VAT pr hour.

Technical assistance in collaborative projects (common publications) 750 NOK without VAT pr hour.

Scientific assistance in collaborative projects (common publications) is for free.

Industrial and commercial contract research.
Depending upon available capacity, the NMR Centre offer commercial NMR services with companies.  Approved users are granted personal access as determined by the NMR Centre Leader to instruments in the 200 MHz - 600 MHz range. Technical operator assistance is mandatory for manual use of 500 MHz, 600 MHz and 800 MHz instruments. When the 600 MHz and 800 MHz instruments is running in automatic mode (ICONNMR) operator assistance is not needed.

Approved customers will be granted online access to their data from our server.

Fees are differentiated according to field strength and probe type as detailed below.

200, 300 and 400 MHz

Instrument fee: NOK 400 / hour *

Operator optional

500 MHz

Instrument fee: NOK 600 / hour*

Operator mandatory

600 (with room temperature probe or cryo- probe) and 800 MHz (cryo probe)

Instrument fee: NOK 1000 / hour*

Operator mostly mandatory

Technical assistance

Operator fee: NOK 1000 / hour*

In case a customer is representing another company and the NMR Center is operating as a sub-contractor all instrument fees are doubled and the operator fee is 5000 NOK / hour.* In case the customer wants intellectual assistance in elucidating a chemical structure from the nmr-data the fee is 5000 NOK / hour* and 7500 NOK / hour* when the NMR Center is operating as a sub-contractor.  *All prices are subject to additional 25% VAT. The NMR Center is not claiming any commercial rights when such work is performed. However if the results are published the individual performing the intellectual work SHALL be a co-author on any resulting publications and SHALL be listed as a co-inventor on any resulting patent applications, even when the NMR Center operate as a sub contractor. 

Internally funded academic staff and students covered by cost sharing agreements
In the absence of external funding, academic users covered by cost sharing agreements (e.g. Departments of Pharmacy and Chemistry at UiO) will be granted free access to the NMR instruments within capacity limitations.

Until December 31. 2023 Department of Chemistry had allocated:
DPX 200 (up to 50 % use), DPX 300 (up to 50 % use), AVII 400* (up to 75 % use), AV Neo 400 (up to 50 % use), AVIIIHD 400 (up to 50 % use), DRX 500 (up to 50 % use), AVI 600 (up to 100 % use), AVII 600* (up to 28% use) and AVIIIHD 800 (up to 50 % use). *Discontinued. 

Until December 31. 2023 School of Pharmacy had allocated:
DPX 200 (up to 50 % use), DPX 300 (up to 50 % use), AVII 400* (up to 25 % use), AV Neo 400 (up to 50 % use), AVIIIHD 400 (up to 50 % use), DRX 500 (up to 50 % use), AVII 600* (up to 50 % use) and . AVIIIHD 800 (up to 50 % use). *Discontinued.

Academic staff not covered by cost sharing agreements.
Academic staff and students not covered by cost sharing agreements are offered access to instruments in the 200 MHz - 800 MHz range.   For short projects an academic price of 200 NOK/hour + VAT is applied. If you book a normal working day for manual acquisitions  you will also be charged for the coming night and billed for 24 hours. The stated fee will be subject to additional 25% VAT if the user is not from UiO. 

Due to the large span in required data acquisition time from small organic molecules to large biomolecules, fees will vary. The NMR Center Manager will settle the fee level in dialogue with the Project Leader based on estimated acquisition time and extent of use. The following fee levels are indicated:

Low – Mid MW organic molecules                       PhD student                            NOK 75.000,- /year

Low – Mid MW organic molecules                       Post Doc                                 NOK 100.000,- /year

High MW biomolecules or other extensive use    PhD student/Post Doc           NOK 150.000,-/year

If the user is not from UiO 25 % VAT must be added.

Documentation of adequate knowledge to access NMR spectrometers.
Users must document adequate knowledge of NMR to access the spectrometers. Advanced user courses in NMR are required to run any of the nmr spectrometers in manual mode. Nevertheless, lower requirements are set to use the spectrometers when they are in automatic mode, e.g. ICONNMR on AVII400, AVneo400, AVIIIHD400, AVI600, AVII600 and AVIIIHD800. Users who do not have the required knowledge will not be allowed to use any spectrometer without supervision. All users are required to participate in a HSE course for NMR lab. 

Mandatory Acknowledgment for use of all NMR instruments - 200 MHz - 800 MHz.
All users must acknowledge the University of Oslo NMR Center and also acknowledge the Research Council of Norway for financial contributions in connection with the use of all NMR instruments - in all publications, patents, books, meeting presentations and similar.

Mandatory Acknowledgment for use of AVneo400 and AVIIIHD800/AVneo800 NMR instruments.
"This work was partly supported by the Research Council of Norway through the Norwegian NMR Platform, NNP (226244 and 322373)."







Published Jan. 18, 2011 3:16 PM - Last modified July 17, 2024 9:35 AM