AVI 600

The AVI 600 instrument was produced in 2002, lived a life as a demo instrument  in Dr Detlef Moskau´s laboratory in Fällanden and was installed in our laboratories in January 2003.

AVI 600 spectrometer

The instrument is controlled by TopSpin 2.1 patch Level  6 which is installed  on a Dell Windows XP SP 3 PC.  The automatic gradient shimming program "Topshim" which is included in the TopSpin 2.1 versions is an astonishing improvement .

The instrument is configured with three complete channels and deuterium lock. In 2008 the instrument was equipped with a preowned BACS sample changer. 


Bruker 5 mm TCI cryo probe (1H, 13C, 15N) with Automatic Tuning and Matching (ATMA) and Z-gradient accessories - 1H and 13C observation. Cold 1H and 13C preamplifiers, decoupling on 13C and/or 15N.  This probe is the one used all the time.

Bruker 5 mm BBI Broad band inverse probe, with Z-gradient accessory, 1H observation, decoupling of any chosen nuclei

Protasis/MRM cap LC probe, with Z-gradient accessory -1H observation, 13C decoupling. This probe is now for sale!

Bruker 30 ul LC probe, with Z-gradient accessory, 1H observation, 13C decoupling. This probe is now for sale!


The AVI 600 is currently used only for regular NMR purposes with the TCI cryo probe.  With the usage of 1.0 mm, 1.5 mm, 1.7 mm, 2.0 mm and 2.5 mm nmr tubes in connection with Bruker Match spinners, small amounts of samples are investigated.

A BACS 60 sample changer was added to the instrument in December 2007 and is currentlyused heavily for metabolomics studies of human urine samples and regular organic chemistry samples. The BACS is also indispensable when we are running 13C enriched brain extract samples from metabolic studies.

Spare Parts

A complete and identical AVI600 NMR electronics console donated from friends at NTNU is stored in our basement. The console will be cannibalised when spare parts are needed in years to come. The spare parts will definitely be needed since Bruker has determined that systems older than 14 years are classified as "retired":

"Our records indicate that your organization purchased a Bruker Avance I (AVI) series NMR system and if this instrument is still active then please note the following:

It is our policy at Bruker to ensure that our customers’ needs and expectations are exceeded and to continuously innovate both our product offering and our customer support framework. All products progress through explicit lifecycle phases and part of this process is to evaluate our instruments each year to ensure that we can assist our customers with timely planning and to prepare for future support or instrument replacement. As part of this annual evaluation and parts obsolescence, it has been decided that the AVI series systems will effectively transition from a mature lifecycle phase to the retired (limited support, “end-of-service”) lifecycle phase on December 31, 2016. The retired phase means that your instrument will be supported on a reasonable endeavours basis only and clearly dependent on remaining parts availability. Please note that existing service contracts will of course be honoured in full and also, while we can no longer accept new contracts on these systems, for existing contract customers we will usually still be able to offer a further year of cover if requested. We will also continue to service the magnets and most probes/accessories that are part of your current system.

We hope that through communication of these lifecycle transitions we can assist you in planning and preparing for your future support requirements and eventual instrument replacement. The direct successor for the AVI series NMR systems is the Bruker Avance HD system."


Published Jan. 17, 2011 2:06 PM - Last modified Sep. 29, 2022 3:11 PM