Disputation: Magnus Moe Nygård

Msc. Magnus Moe Nygård at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis «Local and average structure in high-entropy alloys and associated metal deuterides» for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Bilde av kandidaten.

Semi - Digital Disputation

Due to the pandemic and the worldwide travel restrictions, the Disputation will be held semi - digital. An Audience is welcome to attend the Trial lecture and Disputation (physical attendance) in the Department after registering below. There is a limited seating capacity and the registration will be closed with no further notice, when the capacity limit has been reached. Only those who sign up are allowed physical attendance. 

The Disputation will be live streamed for everyone else.
The livestream will be activated 15 minutes before the Defence starts.

NB! Ex Auditorio questions can only be asked by Audience present in the Auditorium. 

Order the Dissertation as PDF from this email address with the name of the Candidate: a.c.gartner@kjemi.uio.no
Printed Dissertations will also be available in Auditorium 1.

Registration for local attendance


Trial lecture

October 16th. at 10:30 AM, Auditorium 2  

 " Metal hydrides for hydrogen sensing including the potential use of high entropy alloys"

The livestream of the lecture  will be activated 15 minutes before the  Trial lecture starts.

Conferral summary / Kreeringssammendrag

En detaljert forståelse av sammenhengen mellom egenskaper og struktur til materialer helt ned til atomnivå er viktig for å utvikle nye løsninger for bruk av fornybar energi. I dette arbeidet er det gjort banebrytende bruk av data fra verdens kraftigste kilder for både røntgen- og nøytron-stråler for å avdekke den langtrekkende og kortrekkende atomære strukturen til såkalte høyentropi-legeringer. Denne informasjon er viktig for å videreutvikle materialer for lagring av hydrogen.

Main research findings

Hydrogen is an important energy carrier that can be used to store renewable energy, but the low density of hydrogen gas at ambient conditions make safe and efficient storage challenging. One promising solution is to store hydrogen in the solid state using metal hydrides, but no material is currently able to fulfil all the requirements for ideal hydrogen storage. This thesis focuses on evaluating the hydrogen storage properties of a novel materials class known as high-entropy alloys. The investigated materials contain light hydrogen atoms alongside heavier elements, and it is therefore essential to use a combination of X-ray and neutron scattering techniques to assess the atomic arrangement in sufficient detail. Such a treatment is very rare in the literature, and a successful analysis is heavily reliant on excellent data quality that can only be achieved at large-scale synchrotron and neutron facilities. Through advanced data analysis, new knowledge has been obtained on how the local structure at the atomic level influences the hydrogen storage properties of the materials. Moreover, a simple chemical parameter has been identified that can be used to tune the thermal stability of the materials to specific Applications.



Published Oct. 5, 2020 12:49 PM - Last modified Oct. 12, 2020 12:21 PM