Disputation: Volodymyr Levchenko

MSc. Volodymyr Levchenko at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis « Synthesis of Cyclometalated Au (III) Complexes for Catalysis and MOF Functionalization » for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Bildet av kandidaten.


Due to the ongoing Pandemic, the Disputation will be held digital using Zoom. The Chair of Defence will lead the Disputation and the Defence technician will solve technical issues.

Ex auditorio questions: The Chair of Defence will invite the audience to ex auditorio questions. These can be asked orally, by clicking "Participants - Raise hand" in the Zoom menu. The Zoom-host will grant you to speak in the meeting. 

Join the Disputation


Download Zoom here

Order the Dissertation as PDF from this email address with the name of the Candidate: a.c.gartner@kjemi.uio.no

Trial lecture


"Machine learning as a tool to develop catalysis"

Video of Trial lecture


Conferral summary

For å utvikle katalysatorer til industri er det viktig å ha tilgang på effektive og kontrollerte måter å lage molekyler. I denne avhandlingen har gull-innholdene metall-organiske rammeverk (MOF) blitt fremstillt og undersøkt som katalysator for organiske reaksjoner. Effektiv utforming av enkelt-sete, robuste katalysatorer basert på MOFer kan blant annet bidra til å løse utfordringer innenfor effektiv og miljøvennlig katalyse i et bærekraftig samfunn. Dette arbeidet har gitt innsikt i fremstilling og karakterisering av gull-innholdene katalysatorer og i sammenhengen mellom katalysatorens egenskaper og dens ytelse.

Main research findings

In a society where sustainability becomes increasingly important, the obvious approach to novel process development is to design catalysts that selectively yield the target product with minimal use of energy.

Gold catalysis has attracted a lot of attention due to the unique catalytic properties which gold complexes offer. The gold catalysts found applications in the synthesis of medicines and natural products as well as in environmental catalysis. The biggest limitation of gold catalysis is its short life-time and lack of selectivity. These issues can be resolved by confining the gold active species in the cage of a robust framework, known as MOFs (metal-organic framework).

The results show the feasibility of the incorporation of the gold active species into the structure of the MOF and reveal some insights on their structure. The prepared “golden” MOF possesses catalytic activity and can be used as a catalyst in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, fine chemicals, and natural compounds. 
Although the catalytic activity and selectivity of the gold-modified MOF are far from desired, this work still demonstrates how versatile gold catalysis can be and offers a basis for further development in this field.




Published Dec. 1, 2020 9:56 AM - Last modified Dec. 15, 2020 9:34 AM