Disputation:Joakim Samuel Jestilä

Msc. Joakim Samuel Jestilä at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis «Reductive gas-phase ion chemistry of simple oxocarbons in the presence of alkali and alkaline earth metals» for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

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Joakim Samuel Jestilä

Trial lecture

September 16th, 10:15 AM, Auditorium 1, Chemistry building

‘’The role of CO2 in space as a building block for complex organic molecules (COMs).’’

Conferral summary 

I dag regnes karbondioksid som et avfallsprodukt, men i en sirkulær karbonøkonomi vil den representere en verdifull molekylær råvare for drivstoff, kjemikalier og materialer. Denne avhandlingen beskriver grunnleggende kjemiske forvandlinger av karbondioksid og derved avdekker relevante detaljer for utviklingen av prosesser som slutter sirkelen.

Main research findings

In a circular carbon economy, carbon dioxide (CO2) is recycled and used as a molecular building block to make fuels, chemicals and materials, driven by renewable energy sources. Hence, the molecule represents a potential replacement for oil, natural gas and coal as one of the primary sources of carbon.  

A major bottleneck stems from the fact that CO2 requires activation before it can be converted. This work explores the activation and reduction of CO2 by the alkali metal and alkaline earth metal chloride anions on a fundamental level. It sheds light on relevant factors in the conversion of CO2 to valuable products such as oxalate (C2O42−) and carbon monoxide (CO), as well as further conversion of the latter. The aforementioned processes proceed via metal-CO2 intermediates—chemical species formed during conversion of reactants to products—and this thesis links their properties to the extent of CO2 activation. Specifically, more complete electron transfer from the metal to CO2 and larger structural changes in the intermediates are associated with lower energetic demands for further reaction and conversion. These results could prove useful for the development of efficient CO2-recycling processes.

Published Sep. 1, 2021 3:39 PM - Last modified Sep. 10, 2021 11:41 AM