Disputation: Christine Olsen

Doctoral candidate Christine Olsen at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis “Multifaceted challenges with liquid chromatography mass spectrometry determination of bioactive hormones secreted from stem cell-derived islet organoid” for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Image may contain: A woman (Christine) is looking straight at the camera and smiling. She is wearing a blue shirt, standing against a grey background.

Christine Olsen

The Disputation will be live streamed for everyone else.
The livestream will be activated 15 minutes before the Defense starts.

Trial lecture

October 20th, 10:15 AM, Auditorium 3, Chemistry building

Trial lecture title:

A critical comparison of recent analytical tools for qualitative and quantitative detection of endogenous hormones


The trial lecture will be live streamed for everyone else.
The livestream will be activated 15 minutes before the trial lecture starts.

Kreeringssammendrag/Conferral summary 

Forståelsen av insulin-produserende Langerhanske øyer er viktig for flere metabolske sykdommer, inkludert diabetes og fedme. Langerhanske øyer avledet fra stamceller (SC-øyer) er cellemodeller som egner seg til å tette kunnskapshull om glukoseregulerende hormoner, som insulin, somatostatin-14, glukagon, og urocortin-3. Dette arbeidet oppnådde en svært selektiv, følsom, allsidig og pålitelig bestemmelse av hormonsekresjon fra SC-øyer ved bruk av væskekromatografi koblet til massespektrometri, og er et viktig bidrag til feltet for å videreutvikle donormateriale for pasienter med type 1 diabetes.

Main research findings

Understanding islet cell biology is important for multiple metabolic diseases, including diabetes and obesity. Stem cell-derived islet organoids (SC-islets) are cell models suitable for closing existing knowledge gaps concerning glucose regulatory hormones, such as insulin, somatostatin-14, glucagon, and urocortin-3. The study aimed to obtain a highly selective, sensitive, versatile, and reliable determination of hormone secretion from SC-islets using liquid chromatography (LC) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS). The dissertation comments on the following research question: How far can we push LC separation and MS detection of native peptides secreted from SC-islets, and what are the limiting factors?

The dissertation found that successful determination could be obtained by tailoring the LC-MS platform toward the desired analyte and sample matrices. The limiting factors concerning LC separation of bioactive peptides were; 1) non-defined adsorption depending on column format, tubing material, and sample matrices, 2) charge state distribution of multiply charged peptides combated with MP composition, and 3) compatibility towards biologically relevant sample matrices: Krebs buffer and cell medium, requiring rugged columns and instrumental set-up. The main factor to consider when applying MS for determination of bioactive peptides was the presence of disulfide bonds, which required different sample preparation depending on the applied MS instrument.

Candidate contact information

LinkedIn: Linkedin.com/in/christineolsenkjemi 

Email: Christine.olsen@ge.com

Tel: +47 90718613

Published Oct. 6, 2023 9:54 AM - Last modified Oct. 20, 2023 10:01 AM