Disputation: Bjørn Gading Solemsli

Doctoral candidate Bjørn Gading Solemsli at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis "Spectroscopic and mechanistic studies of the direct activation of lower alkanes over Cu-containing nano-porous catalysts"

Image may contain: A person (Bjørn) is smiling and looking straight at the camera. They are wearing a green shirt with white flowers on a white background.

Bjørn Gading Solemsli

The Disputation will be live streamed for everyone else.
The livestream will be activated 15 minutes before the Defense starts.

Trial lecture

June 14th, 10:15 AM, Auditorium 3, Chemistry building

Trial lecture title:

"Methods of deposition of active species over inorganic supports and impact on catalytic activity"

The trial lecture will be live streamed for everyone else.
The livestream will be activated 15 minutes before the trial lecture starts.

Kreeringssammendrag/Conferral summary 

I dette doktorgradsarbeidet har vi undersøkt en foreslått reaksjon for konvertering av alkaner, som vil kunne gjøre det mulig å senke energikravet i forhold til dagens kjemiske prosesser og dermed øke mulighetene til å utnytte natur- og biogass. Reaksjonen gjør det mulig å direkte konvertere alkanene og oksygen til viktige byggesteiner innen kjemisk industri ved lave temperaturer over kobberholdige zeolitter. Ved hjelp av sofistikerte karakteriseringsteknikker og reaksjonstester, har vi fått en økt innsikt i rollene de aktive kobbersetene og de stabile intermediatene dannet under reaksjonen. Dette arbeidet bidrar til den pågående diskusjonen i feltet for alkan aktivering og legger grunnlaget for utvikling av fremtidige kjemiske prosesser på samfunnets vei mot en mer bærekraftig fremtid.

Main research findings

In pursuing a more sustainable future, innovative solutions have been a focal point in the chemical industry over the past decades. One of these possible solutions is the direct activation of lower alkanes, which would limit the need for large-scale facilities and enable the utilization of more remotely located hydrocarbon sources. However, due to the stability of alkanes, it is notoriously difficult to make specific products, as the products are more reactive leading to unwanted over-oxidized biproducts. This work delves into a stepwise, stoichiometric reaction protocol for conversion of methane-to-methanol over Copper Zeolites, aiming to address challenges associated with the over-oxidization of the products. Through the use of activity test and advanced spectroscopic techniques, the work carried out reveal that the specific copper species is not the sole determinant of activity, but that the confinement around the copper also strongly influences the activity of the system. Furthermore, the reactivity of the intermediate methoxy species formed upon reaction with methane revel possibilities of more specialized reactions. This research enhances our understanding of the intricate Cu-zeolite system, advancing the quest for direct methane activation.


Candidate contact information

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/bjorn-g-s

E-post: b.g.solemsli@smn.uio.no / bjornsolemsli@hotmail.com

Tel.: +47 483 09 596



Adjudication committee

Professor Antonella Gervasin
Department of Chemistry, University of Milan, Italy

Professor Henri Grønbeck
Division Chemical Physics, CHALMERS tekniska Högskola, Sweden

Professor Einar Uggerud
Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, Norway


Professor Stian Svelle
Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, Norway

Professor Unni Olsbye
Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, Norway

Researcher Pablo Beato
Haldor Topsoe AS, Denmark

Chair of defence

Professor Harald Walderhaug
Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, Norway

Published May 31, 2024 1:39 PM - Last modified June 13, 2024 1:53 PM