Helga Eng Auditorium U35 Monday 19.06 Hr.13:45

Regulation of Chemicals

Ramon Guardans

pOps in the past and in the future. A few notes on the Effectiveness Evaluation of the Stockholm Convention in 2017.


Hans  Peter H. Arp, Trevor N. Brown, Sarah E. Hale

ranking rEACh registered neutral, ionizable and ionic organic chemicals based on their aquatic persistency and mobility


Philippa Cureton, Doug Spry, Sean Backus, Christine  Garron,  Robert  Letcher, Pamela Martin, Daryl McGoldrick, Darcy Longpré

Development of Canadian  Environmental Quality Guidelines for Perfluorooctane Sulfonate to protect Environmental and human health


Michael Neumann, Daniel Sättler,  Lena Vierke, Ivo Schliebner

A proposal for criteria and an assessment procedure to identify persistent, Mobile and Toxic (pM or pMT) substances registered under rEACh


Heinz Ruedel, Annette  Fliedner,  Nina Lohmann, Georgia Buchmeier, Jan  Koschorreck

Biota monitoring under the Water Framework  Directive:  Influence of Fish species and tissue choice on levels of priority substances

Published June 28, 2017 7:03 AM - Last modified June 28, 2017 7:55 PM