Helga Eng Auditorium U35 Tuesday 20.06 Hr. 10:30

University Education in Environmental Chemistry

Milan D. Antonijeviś, Branimir, Jovancicevic, Tatjana Andelković, Zoran Matović, Ivan Grzetic,  Ivana  Ivancev-Tumbas, Darko Andelkovic, Steve Leharne

University education in Environmental Chemistry in Serbia - lessons learned from Tempus MCHEM and Erasmus+ NETCHEM project



Gerhard Lammel,  Ivana Ivancev-Tumbas

Chemistry in Environmental Sciences related higher Education (BSc and MSc) programmes in Europe



Belen Altava, Maria Isabel  Burguete, Eduardo Garía-Verdugo, Santiago V. Luis

Education in Sustainable Chemistry in Spain: The activities of the Spanish Network in Sustainable Chemistry


Antonio Marcomini, F. Passarini

The contribution of Italy to the higher education in environmental chemistry


Rolf-Alexander Duering

From urgent need to a success story: the postgraduate study of ecotoxicology in Germany


Eldbjørg Sofie Heimstad, Gaute Grønstøl, Karl Torstein  Hetland, Javier  Martinez Alarcon, Charlotta Rylander, Espen Mariussen

Schools taking part in a research project  investigating dioxins in Fish


Åse Krøkje

Masters degree programme in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, NTNU


Lindis Skipperud

Development of Education and Training within radioecology in Europe


Published June 28, 2017 7:09 AM - Last modified Oct. 27, 2017 1:08 PM