EUTROPIA WP5: Societal responce

In charge: Dr. Orderud (NIBR)  in cooperation with Dr. Barton (NINA) .

i) Conduct a baseline study of the policy process of dealing with eutrophication in the Vansjø-Hobøl area; that is, how different policy makers and public officials are conceiving of the case of eutrophication and possible abatement strategies, and trying to balance different interests and conflicts relating to policy formulation and implementation.

ii) Carry out an analysis of the political/administrative decision-making process in relation to eutrophication, based on a game theoretic approach and collective action, comprising different actors preferences. Address how new information (e.g. about eutrophication) and the Bayesian Belief Network affects the learning process among policymakers. Apply stated and revealed preference methods as the empirical basis, and also draw upon the results from WP4

iii) Develop and improve the DPSIR model by analysing how the link between State/Impacts and society’s Response works in practice; also addressing the contribution of Bayesian Belief Network in concretizing the DPSIR.

Published Jan. 25, 2011 10:57 AM - Last modified Dec. 3, 2019 4:56 PM