Schedule/Book of Abstracts

Below is the conference schedule. 

To preview the book of abstracts, please follow this link:

Book of Abstracts

08:30 – 09:00         Coffee, Check In

09:00 – 09:15         Welcome – Professor Rolf D. Vogt (UiO, Chemistry)

09:15 – 10:15         Societal response

                               Chair: Rolf D. Vogt

09:15   The Morsa River Basin: An example of multi-level water governance – Senior Researcher Jon Naustdalslid (NIBR)

09:45   Farmers’ rationality, and learning and knowledge among farmers – Senior Researcher Geir I. Orderud (NIBR)

10:15 – 10:30         Coffee/Tea

10:30 – 12:10         Modelling of catchment and lake processes

                               Chair: Richard Wright

10:30   The evaluation of agricultural best management practices in the Western Vansjø catchment using a probabilistic modelling approach – PhD student Alexander Engebretsen (UiO, Chemistry)

10:50 How simple should lake eutrophication models be? – Professor Tom Andersen (UiO, Biosciences)

11:20   How to make friends with environmental models: three points of views – PhD student Koji Tominaga (UiO, Biosciences)

11:40   Economic modelling of nonpoint source pollution – Senior Researcher Eirik Romstad (UMB, Economics and Business)

12:10 – 13:10         Lunch

13:10 – 14:00         Abatement actions and uncertainty analysis

                               Chair: Marianne Bechmann

13:10   A tool for communicating confidence in predictions of nutrient abatement effectiveness – Senior Researcher David Barton (NINA)

13:40   Bayesian networks for assessment of WFD compliance based on lake phytoplankton – Researcher Jannicke Moe (NIVA)


14:00 – 15:05         Pressures and their mechanisms governing loading of P fractions

                               Chair: Helge Hellevang

14:00   Reduction in acid rain and climate change disguising abatement effects  – Professor Rolf D. Vogt (UiO, Chemistry)

14:30   Impact of DNOM photo-degradation on its bioavailability in freshwater lakes – Fulbright Student Alexis J. Baxter (UiO, Chemistry) and PhD Student Christian W. Mohr (UiO, Chemistry)

15:05 – 15:20         Coffee/Tea

15:30 – 16:00         Advances in phosphorus analysis

                               Chair: Rolf D. Vogt

15:30   Advances in phosphorus fractionation methods in water: Development of a new CNP nutrient analyzer, and sampling of low molecular weight organic P and inorganic phosphates by DGT samplers – Senior Researcher Oddvar Røyset (NIVA)

16:00 – 17:30         Future Steps

                               Chair: Per Backe-Hansen

16:00   The REFRESH Project: Modelling’s possible futures in the Hobøl river with the INCA-P model – Senior Researcher Øyvind Kaste (NIVA)

16:30   WAPABAT: Norway’s implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive: Preconditions for environmental policy integration – Senior Researcher Jan Erling Klausen (NIBR)

17:00   The Sinotropia Project: Watershed Eutrophication management in China through system oriented process modelling of pressures, impacts and abatement actions – PhD Student Zhou Bin (UiO, Chemistry)

17:30 – 17:45         Closing Remarks – Per Backe-Hansen (RCN)


Dinner and reception to follow


Dag 2: Fredag 31 Mai - Aktørenes Dag

09:00 – 09:30         Kaffe og registrering

09:30 – 09:45         Forord

09:30    Velkommen – Professor Rolf D. Vogt (UiO, Kjemi)

09:35    Betydning av kunnskap - Helga Gunnarsdottir (KLIF)

09:45 – 11:15         Hovedresultater fra EUTROPIA og betydningen av disse

                               Ordstyrer: Helga Gunnarsdottir

09:45   Korte presentasjoner (10 min) av våre 6 seniorforskere

  • Fremtidens overvåkning av fosfor
    – Morgendagens prøvetakere og analysemetoder for fosforfraksjoner i vann
  • Miljøgåten er løst!
    – Tiltakseffekter reduseres av miljøendringer
  • Modellering: Simuleringsmodeller av naturen
    – Astrologi på miljøet eller vitenskap?
  • Hva gjør vi (ikke) når vi vet at vi (ikke) vet nok?
    – Ulike syn på usikkerhet og tiltaksprogrammer
  • En rettferdig økonomisk modell basert på effekt av tiltak
    – Det er mulig!
  • Miljøkunnskap: nøkkelen til kollektiv samhandling
    – Forvaltningspraksis i et forskerperspektiv

10:45    Spørsmål og svar

11:15 – 11:30         Kaffe/te

11:30 – 12:15         Kostnadseffektive tiltak

Ordstyrer: Rolf D. Vogt

11:30   Tiltak i landbruket: effekter of kostnader – Marianne Bechmann (Bioforsk)

                          12:00   Spørsmål og svar

     12:15 – 12:30         Avsluttende kommentar – Reidar Kaabbel (Ordfører i Våler og leder av Vannområdeutvalget Morsa)

     12:30 – 13:30  Lunsj

Published May 23, 2013 2:29 PM - Last modified Dec. 9, 2020 3:16 PM