Financing of MAX4ESSFUN experiments

An experiment lasts for 6 months and includes 6 months PhD work, 2 months supervisor time, and 1 month from a co-supervisor from another institution in the partner network of MAX4ESSFUN. UiO can thus be co-supervisor for a candidate of another institution's experiment*.

Salary support

  • for a PhD student a salary cost of 333 840 kr is budgeted, plus 15% overhead (Interreg level for oh.) 50 076 kr
    50% is refunded by Interreg = max 166 920 kr + 25 038 kr
  • for a PD a salary cost of 380 064 kr is budgeted plus 15% overhead 57 010 kr
    50% is refunded by Interreg = max 190 032 kr + 28 505 kr
  • for a main supervisor: 2 months of supervision - a salary cost of 119 840 kr is budgeted + 15 % overhead 17 976 kr
    25% is refunded by Interreg = max 29 960 kr + 4 494 kr
  • for a co-supervisor* (only for other institutions projects): 1 month of supervision - a salary cost of 59 920 kr + 15 % overhead 8 988 kr
    25% is refunded by Interreg = max 14 980 kr + 2 247 kr

    * the budget for co-supervision from UiO to MAX4ESSFUN projects is nearly fully spent already. 5 of 7 co-supervision projects have been funded as of end Nov. 2016). We will apply for additional funding locally at UiO in order to continue the support for co-supervision. More information will follow on this.

Travel support

  • Travel budget: 10 272 kr, 100% refunded by Interreg.

An experiment with a PhD student for 6 months, a supervisor for 2 months, travel and overhead: 236 684 kr.

Own contribution

In order for UiO to receive the Interreg funding, the full costs need to be documented in the project account. The own contribution has to come from the department or other forms of non EU-funded sources

  • for PhD and Postdoc positions financed internally, "frikjøp" is to be done from basis/KD-positions.
  • for PhDs and Postdocs, employed on external non-EU funds, a prolongation of their temporary contract period is foreseen where the department or an external funding source needs to cover 50% of the salary of the 6 months project.
  • 3 months salary by external funding, e.g. NFR funding, could be considered part of the own contribution, considering the experiment is contributing to the ongoing NFR project, adding to the value of the outcome of the NFR funded project.
  • NFR is in in principle positive to support the own funding part, but says it should be clarified with NFR project officer case by case. If agreed upon by project officer, Interreg funds will cover the prolongation of 3 months to the project  - and the experiment will be fully financed.