Presentations of the SinoTropia project in 2011

Follow the link to the left to select the specific event in which the project was presented

Dissemination measures for users

Reports, memoranda, articles, presentations held at meetings/conferences for project target groups (public sector, trade and industry, organisations)


2011.02.28, Vogt, Rolf David. Kina - En Global miljøutfordring eller Mulighetenes land?. Lunsjpresentasjon;


2011.03.03, Vogt, Rolf David. Kjemikunnskap - Verktøyet for å forstå verdens miljøproblemer. UiO Ambassadørene kommer;


2011.03.16, Vogt, Rolf David. Kjemikunnskap - Verktøyet for å forstå verdens miljøutfordringer. Kjemidag for videregående;


2011.04.11, Vogt, Rolf David. Interdisciplinary environmental research -Capitalizing on thematic breadth. MILEN Research School;


2011.05.03, Vogt, Rolf David. Interdisciplinary environmental research - focus on environmental research cooperation with China. UNICA green academic footprint;


2011.05.21, Vogt, Rolf David. Kina og USA sitter med nøklene til klimaforbedring. Festivalavis Idefestivalen 2011 [Avis]


2011.06.27, Vogt, Rolf David. Interdisciplinary Approach to Environmental Research. SINCIERE lecture - Interdiciplinary approches to envionmental research;


2011.09.03, Vogt, Rolf David, The SinoTropia project, Ji county EPB, Tianjin, China


2011.04.07, Vogt, Rolf David. Tverrfaglige miljøforskningsprosjekter – nødvendige, men utfordrende. Tverrfaglighet i forskning og kriterier som har vist seg viktige for suksess;


2011.09.05, Vogt, Rolf David, SinoTropia, Project kick-off workshop, RCEES/CAS, Beijing, China


2011.09.05, Orderud, Geir, Bringing different disciplines together, Project kick-off workshop, RCEES/CAS, Beijing, China.


2011.09.05 Røyset, Oddvar, DGT- new tools for phosphorus fractionation. Project kick-off workshop, RCEES/CAS, Beijing, Same lecture at TAES, Tianjin, China.


2011.09.05, Yang, Min, Harmful algae and associated taste and oder problems in source water, Project kick-off workshop, RCEES/CAS, Beijing, China.


2011.09.05, Lu, Xueqiang, Background of YuQiao reservoir, Project kick-off workshop, RCEES/CAS, Beijing, China.


2011.09.05 Røyset, Oddvar, DGT- new tools for phosphorus fractionation. Project kick-off workshop, RCEES/CAS, Beijing, China.


2011.09.12-15, Vogt, Rolf David. Water quality in a changing environment - What effect will climate change pose on water quality?. Water Resources under Changing Climate in Southern Africa;


2011.09.23, Vogt, Rolf David. SinoTropia - Watershed Eutrophication management in China through system oriented process modelling of Pressures, Impacts and Abatement actions.. Bi-annual meeting workshop on environmental and analytical chemistry;


2011.09.23-25, Vogt, Rolf David. SinoTropia project. Bi-Annual Workshop on Environmental and Analytical Chemistry;
UiO Untitled   


2011.10.27, Vogt, Rolf David. Hvordan bruke kjemi til å forstå og til å løse våre miljøutfordringer?. Faglig-pedagogisk dag;


2011.12.08, Vogt, Rolf David, An interdiciplinary approch to our environmental challenges, Western Academy of Beijing, Beijing, China.


2011.12.08, Vogt, Rolf David, Water issues, Western Academy of Beijing, Beijing, China.


2011.12.08, Orderud, Geir Inge, Environmental Systems and the Society, Western Academy of Beijing, Beijing, China


2011.12.13, Qimin, Peng, The investigation and analysis of the environmental condition of Yuqiao reservoir, workshop at IUES, CASS, Beijing, China


2011.12.13, Orderud, Geir Inge, Background and structure of survey north of Yuqiao reservoir, workshop at IUES, CASS, Beijing, China


Published Feb. 26, 2013 1:54 PM - Last modified Sep. 25, 2014 6:05 PM