Presentations of the SinoTropia project in 2013

Follow the link to the left to select specific event in which the project was presented


Dissemination measures for users

Reports, memoranda, articles, presentations held at meetings/conferences for project target groups (public sector, trade and industry, organisations)


2013.11.11. Orderud, Geir Inge. Interview on the role of learning and knowledge in environmental protection, in Chinese Social Sciences Today, newspaper of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.


2013.09.26, Vogt, Rolf David, Globale utfordringer på miljøområdet. Gjesteforelesning på Heltberg Gymnas;


2013.09.22, Zhou, Bin, Watershed Eutrophication management in China through system oriented process modelling of Pressures, Impacts and Abatement action. Bi-Annual Symposium on Environmental Analysis. DNVA sæter Sør-Neset in Rondane, Norway. 2013-09-20 to 2013-09-22


2013.09.22,Joshi, Bishnu Prasad. Assessment of phosphorus loss risk from soil, based on different land-use. Bi-Annual Symposium on Environmental Analysis. DNVA sæter Sør-Neset in Rondane, Norway. 2013-09-20 to 2013-09-22


2013.09.22, Pettersen, Ellen. Hydro-geochemical processes governing transport and mobility of phosphorus fractions; Soil sampling and analysis scheme. Bi-Annual Symposium on Environmental Analysis. DNVA sæter Sør-Neset in Rondane, Norway. 2013-09-20 to 2013-09-22


2013.09.22, Ojwando, Wycliffe O.,Use of Diffusion Gradient in Thin-films (DGT) as a method to measure dissolved phosphorous in fresh waters. Bi-Annual Symposium on Environmental Analysis. DNVA sæter Sør-Neset in Rondane, Norway. 2013-09-20 to 2013-09-22


2013.07.22, Xu, Hongliang; Xu, Chong-Yu, Zhou, Bin and Singh, V. P.. Modelling runoff response to land-use change using an integrated approach in Xiangjiang River basin, China. Page 390-396 Climate and Land Surface Changes in Hydrology. The International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), Gothenburg, Sweden.Abstract in Proceedings of H01, IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI Assembly, Gothenburg, Sweden, (IAHS Publ. 359, 2013) 390-396


2013.07.11, Røyset, O., Ten years with DGT research at NIVA, Oral,  PP presentation, DGT Conference Lancaster, UK;9-11 July 2013.


2013.07.10, Røyset, O., Blakset, T.A., Vogt, R.D., Mohr, C.W., Parekh, N. New DGT adsorbents for dissolved organic and inorganic phosphorous compounds in water, Poster DGT Conference Lancaster, UK;  9-11 July 2013.


2013.07.08, Mohr, Christian Wilhelm; Pettersen, Ellen; Ojwando, Wycliffe Omondi. DGT Field deployment. Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Oslo SinoTropia Homepage 2013

2013.05.31 Andersen, Tom. Modellering: Simuleringsmodeller av naturen – Astrologi på miljøet eller vitenskap?. Eutropia Bruker seminar, CIENS-Top-centre, Oslo, Norway.


2013.05.30, Andersen, Tom. How simple should lake eutrophication models be?. Final Eutropia Conference,  CIENS-Top-centre, Oslo, Norway.


2013.05.30, Tominaga, Koji. How to make friends with environmental models: three points of views. Final Eutropia Conference,  CIENS-Top-centre, Oslo, Norway.  


2013.05.30, Zhou, Bin; Vogt, Rolf David; Joshi, Bishnu P.; Ping, Ye. SinoTropia - Watershed Eutrophication management in China through system oriented process modelling of Pressures, Impacts and Abatement actions. Final Eutropia conference. CIENS-Top-centre, Oslo, Norway.


2013.04.25, Lu, Xueqiang. Integrated water management: Practice and experience in Tianjin. International Seminar on Water Environmental Management & Sino-Norwegian Environmental Capacity Building Project Training Program, FECO of MEP and Tianjin Environmental Protection Bureau, Tianjin.


2013.02.21, Vogt, Rolf David. Karbonskatt i Kina. Dagsnytt atten / NRK P2 [TV]


2013.02.07, Mohr, Christian Wilhelm; Vogt, Rolf David.  Sinotropia - Watershed Eutrophication management in China through system oriented process modelling of Pressures, Impact and Abatement actions. Miljø 2015; 2013-02-06 - 2013-02-07.


2013.02.06-7Vogt, Rolf David; Orderud, Geir; Barton, David Nicholas. Trans-faglig kunnskap nødvendig for å forstå, forutsi og håndtere eutrofiering. På TVERS av miljøkonfliktene;


2013.01.10, Andersen, Tom. The MyLake model. SinoTropia Workshop 2013.01.10 – 2013.01.11, RCEES, Beijing.


2013.01.10, Vogt, Rolf D., SinoTropia Watershed Eutrophication management in China through system oriented process modelling of Pressures, Impacts and Abatement actions. Introduction to the SinoTropia project at the SinoTropia Workshop 2013.01.10 – 2013.01.11, RCEES, Beijing.


2013.01.10. Røyset, O., NIVA intercalibration for SINOTROPIA participants TAES and RCEES, Oral presentation, SinoTropiaworkshop 10. Jan  2013, RCEES/CAS,Beijing, China.


2013.01.10, Vogt, Rolf D., What are the data of soil and water in the catchment telling us so far?  Oral presentation, SinoTropia Workshop 2013.01.10 – 2013.01.11, RCEES, Beijing. Available at


2013.01.10, Zhou Bin., SinoTropia The background data analysis of Yuqiao reservoir. Oral presentation, SinoTropia Workshop 2013.01.10 – 2013.01.11, RCEES, Beijing. Available at


2013.01.10, Zhou, Bin, Introduction and latest progress of SWAT model.  2013.01.10 – 2013.01.11, Oral presentation, SinoTropia Workshop. RCEES, Beijing. Available at


2013.01.10, Orderud, Geir. Workpackage 4 – Studies of society, results so far. Oral presentation, SinoTropia Workshop 2013.01.10 – 2013.01.11, RCEES, Beijing. Available at


2013.01.10. Orderud, Geir. Results from social science survey. Oral presentation, SinoTropia Workshop 2013.01.10 – 2013.01.11, RCEES, Beijing.


2013.01.09, Vogt, Rolf David. Environmental chemistry group - Interdisciplinary Approach to Environmental Research. Invited Guest lecture at the Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing, China.


2013.01.08, Vogt, Rolf David. Interdisciplinary Approach to Environmental Research. Invited guest lecture at International Ecosystem Management Partnership (IEMP) under UNEP, Beijing, China.


2013.03.01, Vogt, Rolf David, Er Kinas miljøpolitikk klimafiendtlig?. Radio Nova - Opplysningen 99.3 [Radio]


By Rolf D. Vogt
Published Feb. 25, 2013 11:41 AM - Last modified Jan. 12, 2021 4:16 PM