Terrestrial Environmental Monitoring Project in Central Asia -TEMP (completed)

 The study of the physicochemical properties of the soils and their levels of heavy metals at three monitoring sites. We have also conducted several preliminary environmental audits at highly contaminated industrial sites.

About the project

The project in Kirgizstan is related to erosion of contaminated soil, drought stress and desertification. The effects of land-use, local and long-range transported air pollutants and climate change are central issues in this study.


The overall objective is to support the development of the forest sector in The Kyrgyz Republic in accordance with economic, ecological and social aspirations of a democratic and open society and in accordance with the goals defined in the National Forestry Concept. An important goal is also to integrate The Kirgyz Republic in the international forestry context and open avenues for fruitful collaboration for further economic growth and cultural enrichment.

The overall project objective is to support the establishment and development of a land and forest monitoring program for environmental assessments according to international standards. The project will provide the scientific basis of political decisions on land degradation and pollution control and contribute to the elaboration of policies in the field of soil and water management, nature conservation and biodiversity, sustainable management of grasslands and forests, and recommendations and action plans for reforestation and afforestation to prevent and reduce land degradation and increase forest densities and areas.

Environmental Monitoring

About 100 samples are collected from 6 catchments in the western part of the country surrounding the Fergana valley according to the ICP-Forest protocol. The samples were analyzed for a range of physical and chemical parameters at the Alex Stewart Laboratories in Kara Balta.


This project is conducted in cooperation with The Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute.

Published Dec. 16, 2010 1:43 PM - Last modified Oct. 31, 2018 2:26 PM


  • Rolf David Vogt University of Oslo
  • Grethe Wibetoe University of Oslo
Detailed list of participants