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Approval of education plan

The master's program consists of a master's thesis and a theoretical curriculum. The thesis is an important part of the master's programme, and will be supervised by academic staff. 

Forms needed for your master studies


All master's students must submit a personal study plan agreement (education plan), which is to be approved by the Program Board.

The education plan is an agreement between you as a student, your supervisor(s), and the program board, and concerns rights and duties in terms of carrying out and completing your study.

The deadline for handing in the education plan is 1 December in your first semester as a master student. Failure to hand in the education plan by the deadline might lead to losing your right to study. 

Theoretical curriculum

The theoretical curriculum consists of 60 or 90 ECTS, depending on the length of your master's thesis (30 or 60 ECTS).
You are also able to set up a special curriculum together with your supervisor(s) if the courses you are taking do not cover all of the curriculum you are interested in.
The special curriculum must be documented with a reading list, referring to books/articles (including page numbers). 

Project plan

You must hand in a a project description/plan for your master thesis  on a separate sheet and enclose it with the application for your education plan. You must also hand in a risk assessment.
All papers must be signed by you and your supervisor(s).
An overview of the forms you need is found on the right hand menu on this page.

Semester and course registration 

You must register and apply for courses in Studentweb every semester, by the deadlines 1 February and 1 September (autumn and spring semesters respectively) and pay the semester fee. 
When working on your thesis full time, you only need register and confirm your education plan in Studentweb, and pay the semester fee.   
The student administration at the department will register you for the master's thesis in Studentweb when the education plan is approved by the programme board.

Applying for part time study/leave

You can apply to study part time when filling out the application for approval of your education plan.
The application for part time study must be signed by you and your supervisor(s), and must include a progress plan.

You must apply for any changes to the education plan; the deadlines are 1 February and 1 September.
You are able to change the theoretical curriculum while studying.  
A new curriculum must be approved by your principal supervisor.

Conditional offer, deferred courses, courses taken prior to admission 

The deadlines differ if you have a conditional admission offer, need certain courses to fulfill any requirements, or have passed necessary courses before starting your master studies:  

  • 15 May (default deadline)
  • 30 June(deferred 10 ECTS/passed 50 ETCS  in advance)
  • 15 September (deferred 20 ECTS/passed 40 ECTS in advance, summer holidays included)
  • 15 November (passed 30 ECTS in advance)
  • 1 February (passed 20 ECTS in advance, Christmas holidays included)
  • 1 April (passed 10 ECTS in advance)
Published Jan. 2, 2020 9:34 AM - Last modified Dec. 9, 2020 3:45 PM