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Hvis du ønsker å bli med å en dynamisk og energifull gruppe med høyt initiativ og motivasjon, ta gjerne kontakt med oss eller søk på en av våre ledige stillinger.

Bachelor eller masterstudent

Hvis du er interesert i en grad innen katalyse anbefaler vi å kontakte et av stabsmedlemmene våre for å diskutere detaljer. Vi tilbyr en rekke forskningsprosjekter innen alle emner beskrevet i vår forskning, og vi vil alltid forsøke å designe et prosjekt som matcher bakgrunnen og kvalifikasjonene til den intereserte kandidaten. Mulige forskningsprosjekt er (på engelsk):

  • Chiral Catalysis. The demonstration of asymmetric amplifying autocatalysis has excited interest far beyond the organic chemistry community. Try to explore the mechanisms of chirality amplification developing a project like these (Chiral 1) (Chiral 2).
  • Metalorganic Frameworks (MOF). Considering the increasing global warming, CO2 capture and reduction is one of the most attractive applications of metal-organic frameworks. Find more about how to contribute to develop and improve MOF materials for adsorption or catalysis applications following the links: (MOF 1) (MOF 2).
  • Zeolite Catalysts. Zeolites are widely used as catalysts to control gas emissions or to produce valuable chemicals in a more efficient or sustainable way. In the Catalysis group we focus on the fundamental understanding of several zeolite-catalyzed processes. Some examples of our current research projects involving zeolites are these: (Zeolites 1) (Zeolites 2) (Zeolites 3).
  • Reaction-Diffusion fundamentals. The Temporal Analysis of Products (TAP) is a methodology used to study different steps in the catalytic processes over porous materials. Fundamental understanding of reaction-diffusion phenomena is an important requirement for the further development of improved catalysts (Diffusion 1) (Diffusion 2).
  • Organometallic complexes. Homogeneous catalysis with organo-gold metal complexes allows for chemical transformations that are impossible with other catalysts. We want to go one step forward and explore the chemistry of Au(III) complexes (Organometallic).
  • Computational Catalysis. Computational tools are extremely useful in order to determine the structures and energies of the intermediates involved in a catalytic cycle. Follow the link to find more about our current research in computational catalysis (Computational).

PhD, postdoktor og andre stillinger

Nedenfor finner du ledige stillinger ved SMN og Kjemisk institutt. Noen av stillingene vil være aktuelle for Seksjon for Katalyse. 

Ledige stillinger ved Kjemisk institutt

Publisert 22. juni 2018 11:30 - Sist endret 13. feb. 2023 10:32