Dr. Kari Kveseth - CV

Senior Expert - Department of Chemistry 

Participant in the Section for Environmental Science

Curriculum Vitae


Date of birth: August 1, 1943

Current position: Private Consultant (K2 Konsult)

Civil status: Married - Two grown-up children, three grandchildren

Kari Kveseth is since Jan 2014 engaged by the Institute of Chemistry, UiO, in general to strengthen international cooperation. Special foci are towards Europe through EU´s Framework Program Horizon 2020 (H 2020) and to further revitalize SINCIERE (Sino Norwegian Centre for Interdisciplinary Environmental Research). In particular she is looking at the possibilities for SINCIERE to be part of possible H 2020-pojects as well as the UiO Energy Initiative (UiO:E) through research cooperation with China within the trans-disciplinary fields of energy, environment and social sciences.

Kari Kveseth is since August 1, 2013, retired from public services. She has established a consultancy firm, K2 Konsult, for contract work related to R&D projects and strategies, particularly connected to international cooperation with special focus on Norway/China relations. In the spring of 2014 she was a member of an international team (High Level Expert Panel, HLEP) engaged by the COST CSO to recommend a renewed science organization for COST to best respond to its mission and strategies.

Kari Kveseth was from October 1, 2010, to August 1, 2013, the first Counsellor for Science and Higher Education at the Norwegian Embassy in Beijing. She is Dr.philos in chemistry at the University of Oslo from 1979. Kari Kveseth has had different positions as director within the Research Council since 1986 (Royal Norwegian Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (NTNF) before 1993). She was Director for Science and Technology at the Research Council of Norway (NFR) from 1993, as one of six division directors central in building up the new Research Council. From 1999 until 2010 she was Director of Strategy and International Director at NFR. She has since 1999 in particular been involved in and had responsibility for international research cooperation with special emphasize on the Nordic Countries, EEA, EU, North America, Japan, China and India.

She has a broad experience from research and science policy organizations both as member of boards and member of expert committees for targeted studies, assessments and evaluations. Appointments to boards/committees include academic institutions as well as industry and public organizations. She has experience from several Nordic science policy bodies and has been delegate to international organizations, including CERN, OECD, EU, ESF and others. Thematically she has been involved in and managed research related to technology and innovation, energy and petroleum, environment etc. as well as basic natural- and technological research. Science policy activities include development of Centre of excellence programs, foresight, priority setting and evaluation.

Her research and scientific publications are in the areas of experimental gas electron diffraction and environmental impact. Kari Kveseth has an extensive list of science policy activities and publications, including national Green Papers on Polar Research and Nuclear Waste.

Her broad platform of experience and networks gained over many years within international cooperation/coordination has been essential for her recent work as Science Counsellor in China. Her main tasks there have been to visualize Norway as an attractive partner to China, primarily through Norwegian research universities and institutes to further enhance their cooperation with research institutions in China. In a few prioritized areas she has cooperated with partners in Norway and in China to develop larger joint projects.



Phone +47-932 28 148

Room V122

Publisert 8. sep. 2016 22:58 - Sist endret 11. des. 2020 11:15