Norwegian version of this page

Kjemisk Fagutvalg

Kjemisk Fagutvalg (KFU) is the official contact between students and the institute and elects the institute's board members and committee.

Image may contain: Jeans, Smile, Entertainment, Fashion design, Event and people sitting on clouds

Contact information

Feel free to take contact regarding any questions you may have :-)

Subject committee:

Line Dybvig Andersen
Phone: +47 949 74 334

Office hours

Our office is at V190 at The Institute of Chemistry at UiO.

You will most likely find us in our office during office hours (08.00-16.00) at week days.

If you stop by we would be more than happy to help with whatever it may be. 

If none of the board members are present, feel free to contact either Menageriet or Proton who have offices on either side of the KFU office.

The committee

The Committee

Line Dybvig Andersen

Deputy head:
Eline Haug Andersen

Kevin Ruben 

Silje Crosby

Council members:
Aleks Borisov Karabelyov
Melissa Rodrigues
Ava Borch-Solem
Malin Trondsen
Jon Ole Laugerud
Melika Kashani
Thomas Aksdal
Per Sivert Seglen
Matthew Claveria
Keerthana Balashankar

Board Members

Board of Department:
Line Dybvig Andersen 
Eline Haug Andersen
Substitute member: Jon Ole Laugerud

Local Work Environment Committee (LAMU):
Jon Ole Laugerud
Substitute member: Per Sivert Seglen

Mathematics and Nature Science Student Committee (MNSU):
Malin Trondsen
Substitute member: Keerthana Balashankar

Education Committee:
Silje Crosby
Substitute member: Thomas Aksdal

Appointment Committee:
Silje Crosby
Substitute member: Malin Trondsen 

Program Committee (KJMB):
Eline Haug Andersen
Line Dybvig Andersen
Substitute member: Shahnaz Jurat

Melika Kashani
Substitute member: Jon Ole Laugerud

Lab coats

We sell lab coats with KJMB or MENA logo. We strive to keep the sizes available, but currently the size availability of our lab coats is limited. Link below is open for purchasing, fill the form by providing your name and time of meeting. 


We also offer study halls for students of Chemistry Institute. The link for application is provided below (PS: the spots are limited!)


Rules and regulations for the use of the study-hall


Apply for a spot at the study hall for Spring 2024 here.

The deadline for submitting your application is 15.02.2024 at 23:59. If you send in an application after this date, you will be put on a waitinglist and given a spot when we have a vacancy. The information will be sent to the email you apply with. 



We provide lockers for students, these lockers can be found in the student area located in the west-wing of the Chemistry Institute. The lockers have a fee of 10,- per semester, and is free for people on 1st semester. 

Rules and regulations for use of the lockers 


You can apply for lockers here.


It was possible to apply for lockers through physical copies of the application form up until spring 2024. This is unfortunately not possible anymore, as we have moved the application form to the digital platform. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please feel free to contact us through mail or visit V190. 

Projects and objectives

  • Ensure that both KJMB- and MENA-students are heard and represented
  • Help students with exam prep by planning exam workshops
  • Arrange "Life after studies" meant to prepare you for work-life after studies.
  • Assist students in CV preparation by arranging CV-courses
  • Keep students motivated with waffle days!
  • Plan events to be excited for: Summer party
  • Plan events to appreciate success: Bachelor ceremony
  • Aim to constantly enrich and decorate our institute

Other representatives

Lab coat representative:
Malin Trondsen

Study hall representative:
Ava Borch-Solem

Web- & SoMe representative:
Melissa Rodrigues
Silje Crosby

Lecture representative:
Keerthana Balashankar

Social room representative: 
Ava Borch-Solem

Waffle- and pancake representative:
Aleks B. Karabelyov
Kevin Ruben
Melika Kashani

Locker representative:
Per Sivert Seglen

Music room representative:
Per Sivert Seglen

Mail representative:
Jon Ole Laugerud

Next meeting (in Norwegian)

Past meeting minutes (in Norwegian)

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