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Minisympymposium with Alexey Amunts (Stockholm University) and Jacqueline Cherfils (Université Paris-Saclay)

From protein synthesis to cell signaling. 

A photo consisting of two portraits aligned. To the right there is a woman with dark, shoulder-length hair. To the right a man with short blonde hair and glasses.

Jacqueline Cherfils and Alexey Amunts.

This symposium will be especially exciting for cryo-EM enthusiasts.


9:15: Coffee 

9:30: WELCOME and presentations about BioCat and PX-Oslo 

9:50: Alexey Amunts (Stockholm University): “How genes become machines in mitochondria” 

Coffee Break with snacks 

11:30: Jacqueline Cherfils (Université Paris-Saclay): “Regulation of small GTPase signaling by membranes”

For more detailed information and to register for a Zoom link (until 31/10), please see: https://biocat.no/minisymposium-from-protein-synthesis-to-cell-signaling/

Speaker web sites


https://ens-paris-saclay.fr/lecole/organisation-et-gouvernance/conseil-scientifique/jacqueline-cherfils (in French).


The symposium is supported by the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), PX-Oslo, Norsk Biokjemisk Selskap (NBS), and BioCat - Norwegian Graduate School in Biocatalysis.

Publisert 30. sep. 2022 13:58 - Sist endret 19. okt. 2022 10:30