Hylleraas Math help

Hylleraas Math help has the objective to help students with their understanding of mathematics on all levels. Any math question ranging from the exercises in introductory math courses to advanced questions is welcome.

Blackboard with formula

The Hylleraas Math Help program is not run in spring 2024. Any questions regarding the program can be sent to erik.tellgren@kjemi.uio.no

About the progam

We welcome all chemistry and materials science students from the University of Oslo to the Hylleraas Math Help program.

Math help sessions starts in September and ends in Desember

During the autumn semester 2023, the math help sessions will be held:

  • every Thursday at 14:15-16:00 in the room Avogadro.
  • starts September 14, ends December 14, except November 30.

Why maths in modern chemisty?

Over the past years computational and quantum chemistry has emerged as one of the central branches of modern chemistry and materials science by offering a vast variety of tools for applications in academia and industry. It has become an indispensable part in the education of the next generation of chemists and materials scientists.

For updates and more information

Any schedule changes or cancelled sessions will be announced at Hylleraas Math Help (uio.no).

The math help is run by Erik Tellgren, Hylleraas Centre. Any questions can be sent to: erik.tellgren@kjemi.uio.no

Emneord: Hylleraas Centre for Quantum Molecular Sciences, hylleraas, Math Help
Publisert 8. sep. 2023 15:20 - Sist endret 14. feb. 2024 14:16