Program second semester, spring 2024

Generic competence for second semester, consists of three mandatory seminars during the spring semester. 

Spring 2024

The seminars are mandatory. If you have classes in other courses, please attend the seminar for as long as you can, and notify Tone about which course you need to attend (sign and write on the list).

Seminar no. Theme Date Time Place Teacher

Exploring the scientific world

  • Theory: Planned search, critical source review (repeat)
  • Discussion (IGP): How do we find the best sources?
  • Practical (hands-on) - Introduction to three big databases: "Web of Science", "SciFinder", "Scopus".
15/2 14:15-16:00 Aud 3 Tone Gadmar and Edina Pozer

So you’re going to a conference...

  • Pep-talk "Presenting your science"
  • "Magic poster hour"
  • Abstract
  • "My presentation AB123C" (folder)
  • Presentation technique
  • Peer review


14:15-16:00 Aud 3 Heidi Sjursen Konstabo, Karoline Moe  and Tone Gadmar 

Story of a paper



14:15-16:00 Aud 3 Christine Olsen, Steven R. H. Wilson and  Tone Gadmar 







      Publisert 21. jan. 2019 12:36 - Sist endret 31. jan. 2024 12:39