English translation

KURTs working language is Norwegian, so we do not have every page mirrored to English. On this page, you will find two suggestions for how you may translate our content: using browser features, or artificial intelligence. If there is something you would like us to translate manually, we are happy to oblige, just email us at our contact email address. On the left, you find a list over pages that we have translated manually.

Option 1: Translate Norwegian content using browser features

Most browsers have translation capabilities built in. In Microsoft Edge, you can right click anywhere on the page and press "translate to English".

In Google chrome, you can go to the options in the top right and press "Translate".

Option 2: Translate page using artificial intelligence (AI)

You may also use the generative AI model GPT UiO to translate the content for you. Simply copy the page, paste it into the AI model and ask it to translate.

Option 3: Ask us to translate manually

If there is something in particular that you would like us to translate manually and publish, perhaps if it is important that the information is factually correct, then don't hesitate to send us an email at our contact email address. We are happy to oblige!

Published June 28, 2024 3:49 PM - Last modified June 28, 2024 3:55 PM