SCALE-UP workshop

Want to learn more about how to implement SCALE-UP in your own classroom? Join our workshop where you get hands on experience with SCALE-UP 

Image may contain: Furniture, Table, Chair, Interaction, T-shirt.

teacher helping group 

For enhancing critical thinking skills and developing problem-solving abilities, collaborative group-learning environments have proven to be far more effective. The introductory physics classes at George Washington University (GWU) have been using a collaborative group-learning pedagogical approach known as SCALE-UP for the past 15 years. This workshop is intended to be an active-engagement experience for all participants.

In the workshop

To get started, I will describe our adoption (and adaptation) of the collaborative approach at GWU, and then we will participate together in a series of hands-on (and minds-on) exercises to illustrate the possible range of activities in this group-learning environment. 

The focus will be on the in-class delivery of the exercises and the pedagogical value of the collaborative activities, and the topics of these examples will cover a broad array of disciplines.  Our primary objective is to have participants experience the activities from the student perspective, since that is the best way to perceive the benefits of interactive engagement.  Workshop activities will include:

  • Conceptual “clicker” questions using a student response system
  • Whiteboard exercises comprising conceptual or numerical problems
  • Group quizzes using “lottery ticket” scratch-off cards
  • Short hands-on exercises involving tangible manipulation

During the workshop, there will be time for questions/discussions, which are encouraged in an active-learning environment.  The workshop will be flexible, and the emphasis can vary depending upon the preferences or needs of the participants. 

In the end, the aim of the workshop is to provide a clear and impactful example of the dynamic atmosphere that can prevail in a classroom that is conducted using a collaborative group-learning approach. 

Sign up! 


If you would like to talk to Professor Gerald Feldman personally, please contact h.v.haynes@mn.uio to arrange a meeting. 

Published Nov. 1, 2023 9:38 PM - Last modified Dec. 11, 2023 11:57 AM