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Presentation workshop

Do you want to become a better speaker? Are you preparing a presentation for a conference, dissertation, or a meeting at the local library, and you are seeking feedback? Then this workshop is for you.

Illustration photo of a microphone

Photo by Irina L at Pixabay

Giving speeches and presentations is an important part of the job for researchers, and none of us ever become fully proficient in the art of speaking in front of an audience.

The Science Communication Forum at MN is organizing this workshop to provide doctoral candidates, professors, and other faculty members the opportunity to practice presentation skills and improve as speakers through receiving and giving feedback.

The workshop will span a half-day, beginning with a short introduction offering tips on good presentation techniques. After that, each participant will give a presentation, or the start of a presentation, lasting no more than seven minutes, to the other members of the group. Following each presentation, we will take ample time for feedback and discussion about how to make the presentation better. That way, we can learn both from receiving feedback ourselves and by discussing others' presentations.

We will end the event with lunch (provided).

Prior to the workshop, all participants must prepare a presentation lasting no more than seven minutes or deliver the first seven minutes of a longer presentation. It's optional to use visual aids (such as PowerPoint or a whiteboard).

The program will be held in either Norwegian or English, depending on the preferences of the attendees.

Maximum number of participants: 10.

We reserve the right to cancel the workshop in case of too few participants.

Press here to register

The workshop is led by Kathinka Dalland Evans from the Science library and Vidar Skogvoll and Anja Røyne from KURT. Contact Anja if you have questions. 


KURT and Realfagsbiblioteket
Tags: kompetanseutvikling, ansatte, foredrag, presentasjoner
Published Dec. 6, 2023 10:06 AM - Last modified Apr. 16, 2024 10:41 AM