Webpages tagged with «inference»

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Published Apr. 21, 2020 9:58 PM

The corona is mightily upon us, with different governmental decisions having drastic consequences, but in unchartered territory. Which country is wiser, Norway or Sweden? Have Italy and Spain passed their peaks? Here we study the two crucial data series of (1) new registered covid-19 cases and (2) new covid-19 related deaths, day by day, country by country. Via log-linear modelling we build practical statistical monitoring tools for assessing both the level and the slope of these two corona processes.

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Published Apr. 16, 2020 12:47 PM

Confidence curves are splendidly useful statistical creatures. A confidence curve for a parameter of interest is an inferential summary in its own right, showing the point estimate and the uncertainty around it in the same understandable picture. Also, if say seven different sources all tell us something about what we attempt to understand better, then the seven confidence curves can be combined.