(used in examples 1.5, 3.4, 3.11, 4.12, and 5.3)



The Norwegian Arthroplasty Registry was started in 1987. At first only total hip replacements were registered, but from 1994 it includes replacements of other joints. By the end of 2005 the registry included information on more than 100 000 total hip replacements. From September 1987 to February 1998 almost 40 000 patients had their first total hip replacement operation at a Norwegian hospital. In the book we use use a random sample of 5000 of these patients - 3503 females and 1497.



time:                time in days after operation

status:              censoring indicator (0=censored, 1=death)

op.year:           year of operation (1987 is coded as 87, etc.)

sex:                  sex of patient (1=female, 2=male)

age:                  age in years at operation



We thank the The Norwegian Arthroplasty Registry for allowing us to use the data and Dr. Stein Alte Lie for useful discussions and for making the data available.