Logic seminar Spring 2019

As in previous terms, the seminar will take place on Thursdays, 10.15 - 12.00, in the meeting room of the 9th floor of the Computer Science Building.




07.02.2019: Plans are made for the rest of the term. Given time, Herman Ruge Jervell will talk about his project on the theory of counting.

14.02.2019: Herman Ruge Jervell

21.02.2019: Lars Kristiansen

Content: This is a talk on representability of irrational numbers.
I will discuss some connections between

 (1) continued fractions

 (2) contractions maps (known from metric spaces and Banach's Fixed Point Theorem)

 (3) computability and complexity theory.

The talk should be of interest to a broad audience. I will explain continued fractions
carefully. Contractions maps are easy to understand and do not require much

28.02.2019: Lars Kristiansen (continued)

07.03.2019: Juvenal  Murwanashyaka

14.03.2019: Dag Normann: Computability theory, reversed mathematics and classical real analysis.

We will survey some previous results and discuss some recent ones related to the Baire category theorem. Inspired by the results we will discuss the foundational issue of the power of concept-building in mathematics.

21.03.2019:Peter Fritz

28.03.2019: Øystein Linnebo

04.04.2019: Dag Normann (Continued from 14.03.2019)

11.04.2019: No seminar

25.04.2019: Steve Awodey (Skolem Lecture - Place and tittle will be announced later)

02.05.2019: TBA

09.05.2019: TBA

16.05.2019: Sam Roberts/Øystein Linnebo

23.05.2019: TBA


Tittles will be added when (if) available.

The program is tentative, and may be subject to changes.

Published Jan. 8, 2019 3:12 PM - Last modified Feb. 26, 2019 7:41 AM