Sif Fink Arnbjerg-Nielsen - Competition between slicing and buckling underlies the erratic nature of paper cuts

Paper cuts are a minor nuisance, but they can lead to life-threatening microbial infections. The physical processes that determine whether paper cuts into the skin, however, remain poorly understood. To explore skin-paper interactions, we designed an experiment in which a piece of paper contacts an artificial finger made from ballistic gelatin. Our experiments suggest that the paper thickness is one of the most important parameters in determining cutting efficacy. A relatively thin sheet often buckles before cutting is initiated, whereas the predominant interaction with thick sheets is indentation. Our preliminary data indicate that a successful paper cut is physically impossible outside a relatively narrow range of thicknesses for a given angle. Finally, the optimal paper cut is explored, and the influence of skin properties and cutting angle is discussed.

Sif is a PhD student in the Soft Matter Biophysics Group at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).


Published Feb. 15, 2024 11:58 AM - Last modified Feb. 15, 2024 11:58 AM