Hannah Rice - Musculoskeletal modelling: Understanding overuse injury risk

Bone stress injuries affect athletic populations who undertake activities in which bones are repeatedly loaded. In order to understand and reduce the risk of bone stress injuries, we need to quantify the loading experienced by the bones during activities such as running. Bone loading is difficult to quantify as the magnitudes of stress are influenced to a large extent by the magnitude of muscular forces acting on the bone. Musculoskeletal modelling, ranging from very simple to very complex approaches, can be used to estimate the internal loading experienced by the bone during running. This has allowed us to explore factors such as speed, slope and step length and their influence on bone loading during running. However, in order to truly understand risk of stress injuries this needs to be taken out of the lab and in-field. This talk will consider what we know and the limitations to current understanding.



Hannah Rice is an associate Professor in Biomechanics at the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, where she leads the research group in Biomechanics.

Published Mar. 12, 2024 2:04 AM - Last modified Mar. 12, 2024 2:04 AM