Quantum groups, tensor categories and quantum field theory

Workshop at University of Oslo

Quantum field theory has been for a long time a big driving force in many areas of mathematics. In particular, it stimulated a fruitful study of mathematical structures that can represent many-body quantum mechanical systems, such as quantized universal enveloping algebras, inclusions of operator algebras and tensor categorical structures governing them, which are also interesting for their own sake. This workshop aims to bring together international experts on these topics, stimulate further exchanges of research ideas, and give an opportunity for young members of our research community to be exposed to the rapidly evolving research at the top level.

Practical information

  • January 13–17, 2025
  • University of Oslo, Blindern campus

Lecture series

  • Christoph Schweigert (Hamburg)

Invited speakers

  • David Evans (Cardiff)
  • Kenny De Commer (Brussels)
  • Jürgen Fuchs (Karlstad)
  • Luca Giorgetti (Rome)
  • Lucas Hataishi (Oxford)
  • André Henriques* (Oxford)
  • Robin Hillier (Lancaster)
  • Corey Jones (North Carolina)
  • David Jordan (Edinburgh)
  • Gandalf Lechner (Erlangen)
  • Pieter Naaijkens (Cardiff)
  • Alexander Shapiro (Edinburgh)
  • Alexander Stottmeister (Hannover)
  • Qing Zhang (Santa Barbara)

(* - to be confirmed)


Please register from our online registration form. The deadline for registration is early November.


This workshop is supported by The Research Council of Norway [project 300837].

Tags: Operator algebras, Quantum groups
Published June 3, 2024 1:26 PM - Last modified June 7, 2024 8:56 AM