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Seminars - Page 3

Time and place: , NHA 720

Nathan Brownlowe (The University of Sydney, Australia) will give a talk titled: Reconstructing directed graphs from their Toeplitz algebras.

Time and place: , NHA 723

Kenny De Commer (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium) will give a talk titled: Spectral *-algebras and quantum group actions

Time and place: , NHA 107

Petter Nyland (NTNU) will give a talk titled: Matui’s Conjectures for Étale Groupoids.

Time and place: , NHA 723

Andrey Mudrov (University of Leicester, United Kingdom) will give a talk titled: Pseudo-parabolic categories over HPqn

Time and place: , NHA 723

Franz Fuchs (SINTEF) will give a talk with title: 

Quantum Computing and Quantum Supremacy

Time and place: , NHA 723

Ulrik Enstad (University of Oslo) will give a talk titled: Heisenberg modules and the existence (or lack thereof) of Gabor frames

Time and place: , NHA 108

Seung-Hyeok Kye (Seoul National University, Korea) will give a talk titled: Indecomposable exposed multi-linear maps and separable states with unique decomposition.

Time and place: , NHA 723

Roberto Conti (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy) will give a talk titled: Endomorphisms of simple C*-algebras generated by isometries.

Time and place: , NHA 723

Sanaz Pooya (Stockholm), Sweden, will give a talk titled: On the Baum–Connes assembly map for certain semi-direct products.

Time and place: , NHA 723

Sven Raum (Stockholm), Sweden, will give a talk with title: C*-superrigidity of 2-step nilpotent groups

Time and place: , B723

Camila Fabre Sehnem (Florianopolis), Brasil, will give a talk with title :

On $C^*$-algebras associated to product systems



Time and place: , Room 723, NH Abels Hus

An abstract of the talk is available here.

Time and place: , NHA 108
Time and place: , NHA Room 108
Time and place: , NHA 108

Prof. Masaki Izumi, Kyoto University, Japan, will give a talk with title:

The classification of poly-Z group actions on Kirchberg algebras

Abstract: We completely classify outer actions of a poly-Z group G on any Kirchberg algebra A in terms of a principal Aut(A x K)-bundle over the classifying space BG. This is joint work with Hiroki Matui.



Time and place: , NHA 108

Becky Armstrong, University of Sydney, Australia, will give a talk with title:

Simple graph algebras

Abstract: Since their introduction twenty years ago, C*-algebras associated to directed graphs have become a popular tool for investigating various classes of C*-algebras, because analytical properties of these C*-algebras depend on much simpler combinatorial properties of the underlying graphs. One such analytical property is simplicity, which plays a fundamental role in the classification program for C*-algebras. In this talk I will first recall the characterisation of simplicity for directed graph C*-algebras. I will then describe the results of my PhD research, in which I characterise simplicity of twisted C*-algebras of topological higher-rank graphs in terms of the underlying graphical and cohomological data. These C*-algebras are constructed using groupoid techniques for the purpose of this simplicity characterisation, but I will also briefly describe two product-system models for twisted C*-algebras of topological higher-rank graphs. (This is joint work with my PhD supervisors, Nathan Brownlowe and Aidan Sims.)



Time and place: , Hurricane, Ullevål

Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard (NTNU) will give a talk with title: Moment-cumulant relations in noncommutative probability and shuffle-exponentials

Abstract: In this talk we consider monotone, free, and boolean moment-cumulant relations from the shuffle algebra viewpoint. Cumulants are described as infinitesimal characters over a particular combinatorial Hopf algebra, which is neither commutative nor cocommutative. As a result the moment-cumulant relations can be encoded in terms of shuffle and half-shuffle exponentials. These shuffle exponentials and the corresponding logarithms permit to express monotone, free, and boolean cumulants in terms of each other using the pre-Lie Magnus expansion. If time permits we will revisit additive convolution in monotone, free and boolean probability and related aspects. Based on joint work with F. Patras (CNRS).

Time and place: , Gates of Eden

Zahra Afsar (University of Wollongong, Australia) will give a talk with title: Nica-Toeplitz-algebras of *-commuting local homeomorphisms and equilibrium states

Abstract: Given a family of *-commuting local homeomorphisms on a compact space, we can build a compactly aligned product system of Hilbert bimodules. The product system has a Nica-Toeplitz algebra which carries a gauge action of a higher-dimensional torus, and there are many possible dynamics obtained by composing with different embeddings of the real line in this torus. In this work, which is a joint work with Prof. Astrid an Huef and Prof. Iain Raeburn, I will talk about the equilibrium states of these dynamics. If time allows, I will also provide some examples from higher rank graph theory and reconcile our results with those existing ones.


Time and place: , Gates of Eden

Elizabeth Gillaspy from the University of Montana at Missoula, USA, will give a talk with title " Finite decomposition rank and strong quasidiagonality for virtually nilpotent groups "

Abstract: In joint work with Caleb Eckhardt and Paul McKenney, we show that the C*-algebras of discrete, finitely generated, virtually nilpotent groups G are strongly quasidiagonal and have finite decomposition rank. Thus, the only remaining step required to show that primitive quotients of such virtually nilpotent groups G are classified by their Elliott invariant is to check that these C*-algebras satisfy the UCT. Our proof of finite decomposition rank relies on a careful analysis of the relationship between primitive ideals of C*(G) and those of C*(N), where N is a finite-index normal subgroup of G. In the case when N is also nilpotent, we obtain a decomposition of C*(G) as a continuous field of twisted crossed products, which enables us to prove finite decomposition rank of C*(G) by analyzing the decomposition rank of the fibers.  

Time and place: , Desolation row, Ullevål

Antoine Julien, Universitetet i Nord, will give a talk with title:  Rieffel-type projections in higher-dimensional rotation algebras

Abstract: Rieffel first built a non-trivial projection in the rotation algebra by considering a certain C*-module over this algebra, and exploiting the Morita equivalence which it implements. In this talk, I will present how it is possible to extend these ideas to construct explicitly projections in higher-dimensional noncommutative tori. Precisely, our techniques can be applied to the NC tori which are associated with an R^d-flow on a 2d-torus, or equivalently which are given by the crossed product of C(T^d) by Z^d. I will also hint on how this result can be interpreted as constructing Gabor atoms associated with some lattices in the time-frequency space R^{2d}. This is a joint work with Franz Luef (NTNU).

Time and place: , Desolation Row, Sognsv. 77B

Abstract: Recently, Steve Kaliszewski, Tron Omland, and I have been investigating the following theorem of Pedersen: two actions of a compact abelian group on C*-algebras A and B are outer conjugate if and only if there is an equivariant isomorphism between the crossed products that respects the positions of A and B. We upgraded this to nonabelian groups (using coactions on the crossed products), and then searched for examples showing that the last condition (on the positions of A and B) is necessary. We failed. This lead us to formulate the "Pedersen Rigidity Problem": if the crossed products of A and B are equivariantly isomorphic, are the actions on A and B outer conjugate? We have been finding numerous "no-go theorems", which give various sufficient conditions for Pedersen Rigidity. Quite recently we have done this for ergodic actions of a compact group, assuming that the actions have "full spectrum". In fact, these actions are (not just outer) conjugate if and only if the dual coactions are. I will summarize our progress on the Pedersen Rigidity Problem and outline the proof of the no-go theorem for these compact ergodic full-spectrum actions.

Time and place: , End of Line, Ullevål

Pawel Kasprzak (Warzaw) will give a talk with title " Quantum actions on discrete quantum spaces"


To any action of a compact quantum group on a von Neumann algebra which is a direct sum of factors we associate an equivalence relation corresponding to the partition of a space into orbits of the action. We show that in case all factors are finite-dimensional (i.e. when the action is on a discrete quantum space) the relation has finite orbits.  We then apply this

i) to generalize the classical theory of Clifford, concerning the restrictions of representations to normal subgroups, to the framework of quantum subgroups of discrete quantum groups, itself extending the context of closed normal quantum subgroups of compact quantum groups; ii) to the context of idempotent states showing that the  algebra of invariant elements is finite dimensional if and only if the corresponding state is normal. Joint work with K. De Commer, A. Skalski and P. Sołtan.

Time and place: , Gates of Eden

Erik Bedos (UiO) will give a talk with title "On Exel-Pardo algebras as Cuntz-Pimsner algebras"


In a joint work with S. Kaliszweski and J. Quigg (, to appear in JOT), we consider a continuous action of a locally compact group G on a topological graph E, equipped with a G-valued continuous cocycle, and show how to construct a C*-correspondence from these data, giving rise to a Toeplitz algebra and a Cuntz-Pimsner algebra. In the talk we will sketch this construction, but restrict ourselves to the discrete case. We will also describe these algebras in terms of generators and relations when E is row-finite. As a corollary we get that the associated Cuntz-Pimsner algebra coincides with the C*-algebra recently introduced by Exel and Pardo when E is finite and sourceless.