Siegfried Echterhoff: Amenable actions of locally compact groups on C*-algebras

C*-algebra seminar talk by Siegfried Echterhoff (Muenster)

The talk will be online, via zoom. 


Title: Amenable actions of locally compact groups on C*-algebras

Abstract: The notion of amenable actions by discrete groups on C*-algebras has been introduced by Claire Anantharaman-Delaroche more than thirty years ago, and has become a well established theory with many applications. So it is somewhat surprising that a suitable extension of this theory to general locally compact groups has been missing for a very long time. But during the last year the subject has been in the focus of several researchers and there is now a clear picture of what should be the right notion of an amenable action of a locally compact group on a C*-algebra with many interesting applications.

In this lecture we report on joint work with Alcides Buss and Rufus Willett as well as on some recent results due to Bearden and Crann and Ozawa and Suzuki on this topic.

Published Nov. 25, 2020 9:09 AM - Last modified Dec. 11, 2020 11:10 AM