Roberto Conti: Symmetries in operator algebras -- a personal view

C*-algebra seminar talk by Roberto Conti (Sapienza University of Rome)

Title: Symmetries in operator algebras: a personal view

Abstract: For ages, symmetry considerations have been an endless source of inspiration both for physicists and mathematicians. Of course, operator algebras are by no means an exception to the general rule, and the modern literature in the subject offers a wide range of cases of groups acting on several kind of objects, but also many other concepts that are related to groups in various ways. In the talk I will discuss a selected number of examples biased towards the contributions from my own research work, including recent advances in the study of the Weyl group of the automorphism group of the Cuntz algebras, computation of isometries of various spectral triples, heat properties for group C*-algebbras and local normality of vacua of free Klein-Gordon fields with different masses.


Eric Bedos
Tags: Operator algebras, Operatoralgebraer
Published June 9, 2023 2:20 PM - Last modified June 9, 2023 2:20 PM