Magnus Dahler Norling: Inverse semigroup C*-algebras associated with left cancellative semigroups

Magnus Dahler Norling will give a talk with title "Inverse semigroup C*-algebras associated with left cancellative semigroups".


Abstract: To each discrete left cancellative semigroup S one may associate a certain inverse semigroup I_l(S), often called the left inverse hull of S. We show how the full and the reduced C*-algebras of I_l(S) are related to the full and the reduced semigroup C*-algebras for S recently introduced by Xin Li, and give conditions ensuring that these algebras are isomorphic. Our picture provides an enhanced understanding of Li's algebras.  

Published Mar. 5, 2012 10:03 AM - Last modified Mar. 5, 2012 10:03 AM