Judith Packer, University of Colorado (Boulder): Noncommutative solenoids and their projective modules

Judith Packer, University of Colorado (Boulder), will give a talk with title "Noncommutative solenoids and their projective modules"

Abstract: ``Noncommutative solenoids" are certain twisted group $C^*$-algebras, where the groups in question are countably infinitely generated; these algebras can also be generated as direct limits of rotation algebras.  From examining the range of the trace of the $K_0$-groups of the noncommutative solenoids, their finitely generated projective modules can be constructed. We also discuss a way to construct Morita equivalence bimodules between noncommutative solenoids that goes back to work of M. Rieffel, with the new wrinkle of $p$-adic analysis appearing. This work is joint with F. Latr\'emoli\'ere.



Published Nov. 19, 2013 9:44 AM