Several Complex Variables Meeting, UiO&NTNU


10:15-11:00  Erik Løw - The Calabi-Yau problem for minimal surfaces and null curves.
11:15-12:00  Barbara Drnovsek - Minimal hulls and null hulls.  


15:00-16:00 Erlend F. Wold: Oka properties of complements of totally real manifolds. 

17:30-          Dinner at Asylet.  

Erik Løw

Title:  The Calabi-Yau problem for minimal surfaces and null curves.
Abstract : We will go through a paper of Antonio Alarcon and Franc
Forstneric. The main result is that every bordered Riemann
surface admits a complete proper null holomorphic embedding
into the unit ball of C^3. The real and imaginary of such
an embedding provide complete conformal bounded minimal immersions
into R^3, thereby solving a problem of Calabi and Yau.

Barbara Drnovsek:

Title:  Minimal hulls and null hulls
Abstract: I will introduce minimal hulls of compact sets in $\mathbb R^3$ and null hulls of compact sets in $\mathbb C^3$ and I will present a characterization of these hulls by sequences of conformal minimal discs for minimal hull and by sequences of null discs for null hull.

Erlend F. Wold

Title: Oka properties of complements of totally real manifolds.
Abstract: We will show that C^n\setminus R^k, k<n, satisfies the CAP_m-property for $m<n$.

Published Sep. 25, 2014 1:38 PM