Michael Scheuerer: Decadal inflow projections for catchments in Brazil

Our project partner Statkraft owns and operates several hydropower plants in Brazil and requires information about the future potential for hydropower production in this region. To provide inflow projections for the next several decades, we use climate model output in combination with a regression model that links meteorological variables such as precipitation and temperature to inflow over various catchments in the region. The relatively short time period for which observation data are available raises concerns about overfitting. We therefore explore an alternative model fitting approach that retains the original, easily interpretable regression model but estimates the regression coefficients within an artificial neural network (ANN) framework which permits spatial and temporal regularization and thus prevents overfitting. We show some examples of the inflow projections obtained with that methodology and discuss some caveats and limitations.

Image may contain: Person, Forehead, Nose, Cheek, Smile.

Michael is a statistician in the Statistical Analysis, Machine Learning, and Image Analysis (SAMBA) group at the Norwegian Computing Center where he is working on projects in different areas such as climate and environment or finance. His research interests include probabilistic weather forecasting, forecast verification, and machine learning. Michael is a member of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) and is serving as an Editor for the AMS journal Monthly Weather Review. 

Published Jan. 30, 2024 1:28 PM - Last modified Jan. 31, 2024 1:13 PM