Workshop on "Improved design and analysis of nested case-control and case-cohort studies"

Over the last decades important methodological advances have been made for designing and analysing nested case-control and case-cohort studies. While some of these methodologies need further developments before they can be widely used, others have matured to a level that makes them ready to use in epidemiological practice. The focus of the workshop is on the methodologies that are ready to use. The workshop is aimed at biostatisticians and epidemiologists who work with population registry data and large cohorts studies. It is assumed that the participants are familiar with cohort and classical case-control studies and the regression models used to analyse them (logistic regression and Cox regression).



The speakers at the workshop are:

  • Bryan Langholz, University of Southern California
  • Ørnulf Borgan, University of Oslo
  • Sven Ove Samuelsen, University of Oslo
  • Nathalie Støer, Univeristy of Oslo



09.30-09.35: Opening

09.35-10.05: Ørnulf Borgan: Overview of traditional epidemiological designs: cohort, case-control, and nested case-control

10.05-10.25: Coffe break

10.25-11.15: Sven Ove Samuelsen: Case-cohort studies: design and analysis options

11-15-11.30: Break

11.30-12.15: Bryan Langholz: Design options for nested-case control studies: theory and practice

12.15-13.15: Lunch

13.15-14.00: Sven Ove Samuelsen and Nathalie Støer: Analysing nested case-control data as case-cohort data using inverse probability weighing

14.00-14.15: Break

14.15-15.10: Ørnulf Borgan and Bryan Langholz: Estimation of absolute risk for nested case-control and case-cohort studies

15.10-15.25: Break

15.25-15.50:  Bryan Langholz: Design and analysis considerations

15.50-15.55: Closure



For the workshop we will serve coffee/tea/refreshments in a break and also a light lunch. For this reason we would like to register the participants. So if you would to like to attend the workshop, please send an email to Nathalie Støer (email: no later than August 15th. We may have to limit the number of participants, and in that case the first to register will be given priority. However, there is no charge for attending.



Published Aug. 6, 2012 10:49 AM - Last modified Aug. 24, 2012 4:30 PM